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Shouldnt knock another mans faith in god.......ive a couple of close pals both of who have gone a bit nutty on the whole God thing over recent years,one of which is now a full blown born again christi

You can thank jesus , mohamed , father christmas or the tooth fairy , any problems you had ,you overcome them yourself , don,t give some fictional make believe character credit for what you did yours

When I get doorstepped by them , I quote Jonn ,chapter 6 verse 4..................and verily did jesus yawn ,scratcheth his knackers and renounce the tresspassers by bidding them to fucketh offeth ame

Well The new testament was written in ancient Greek and there were several words that were translated into are word love. Philo, Agapeo are a couple of them. A quote from deadgame...


That's the thing though, the modern version of the bible was bassed on what was originally written by one Greek bloke in the year 124 AD. It was one man's interpritation of very many books, scrolls and anicdotal stories (many of which were ignored and omitted...). In that sence alone it almost makes Christianity the same as Islam purely in the way that it is just one man's version of events, and what agenda did he have? Who knows..... I am in no way saying that Christianity has the same structure as Islam, that was one man's scribblings in one lifetime, whereas the bible is a collection of stories covering centuaries interpreted by one man, then translated many times over, over many more centuaries by other men for whatever they and their masters wanted the populus to believe. The whole concept of hell and the devil as we know him now does not appear until the middle ages.....


Taken as a work of fiction or even as a kind of code of conduct, the bible has a lot of good advice once all the chaff's been removed but to be taken as a litteral work of historical fact (gospal) is for me taking it way too far, it just does not stand up.

Edited by andyfr1968
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  On 28/09/2011 at 23:10, andyfr1968 said:

Well The new testament was written in ancient Greek and there were several words that were translated into are word love. Philo, Agapeo are a couple of them. A quote from deadgame...


That's the thing though, the modern version of the bible was bassed on what was originally written by one Greek bloke in the year 124 AD. It was one man's interpritation of very many books, scrolls and anicdotal stories (many of which were ignored and omitted...). In that sence alone it almost makes Christianity the same as Islam purely in the way that it is just one man's version of events, and what agenda did he have? Who knows..... I am in no way saying that Christianity has the same structure as Islam,


The bible and koran aren't all that different pal.. From what I've read, they just seem like different perspectives of the same story with a few fundamental differences. For example, in the Koran Jesus isn't the son of god but he is one of the most important prophets and still considered the messiah...



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Started of as a story of someone who felt down and out and found god.....good on him. Beginning to be 'preaching' now.........imo. So, i'm out!!!!..... :bye:

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The bible says the world is approx 6,000 years old.however science can quite comfortabily say its at least 200,000 years old.we no for a fact that dinasaurs roamed the earth.yet no mention of this.and i have never had a plausable answer to both these points from any religious person.they seem to skim right over these two major facts.i dont know the teachings of the quoran,be interesting to know how old they think the world is.


sorry ill edit that.i mean man on the planet 200,000 years old.the world is way older

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  On 29/09/2011 at 08:30, scothunter said:
  On 29/09/2011 at 08:26, lab-tastic said:

Started of as a story of someone who felt down and out and found god.....good on him. Beginning to be 'preaching' now.........imo. So, i'm out!!!!..... :bye:


lol look into your heart lab

f**k off........ :laugh:

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  On 29/09/2011 at 08:32, lab-tastic said:
  On 29/09/2011 at 08:30, scothunter said:
  On 29/09/2011 at 08:26, lab-tastic said:

Started of as a story of someone who felt down and out and found god.....good on him. Beginning to be 'preaching' now.........imo. So, i'm out!!!!..... :bye:


lol look into your heart lab

f**k off........ :laugh:


would be my answer aswell :thumbs:

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  On 29/09/2011 at 08:32, lab-tastic said:
  On 29/09/2011 at 08:30, scothunter said:
  On 29/09/2011 at 08:26, lab-tastic said:

Started of as a story of someone who felt down and out and found god.....good on him. Beginning to be 'preaching' now.........imo. So, i'm out!!!!..... :bye:


lol look into your heart lab

f**k off........ :laugh:


Thought you were 'out of it?' :laugh:

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  On 29/09/2011 at 08:29, scothunter said:

The bible says the world is approx 6,000 years old.however science can quite comfortabily say its at least 200,000 years old.we no for a fact that dinasaurs roamed the earth.yet no mention of this.and i have never had a plausable answer to both these points from any religious person.they seem to skim right over these two major facts.i dont know the teachings of the quoran,be interesting to know how old they think the world is.


sorry ill edit that.i mean man on the planet 200,000 years old.the world is way older


God has put these untruths to us to 'test' our faith. Science is really the devils work and anyone that embraces progress will face the wrath of the church.


Dinosaurs were monsters killed in the great flood, the world is actually flat, the world is the center of God's universe (Galileo was a lying b*****d!) and the Big bang was a devine fart!


Faith and religion are two very different things and should'nt be confused.

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  On 29/09/2011 at 09:33, Born Hunter said:
  On 29/09/2011 at 08:29, scothunter said:

The bible says the world is approx 6,000 years old.however science can quite comfortabily say its at least 200,000 years old.we no for a fact that dinasaurs roamed the earth.yet no mention of this.and i have never had a plausable answer to both these points from any religious person.they seem to skim right over these two major facts.i dont know the teachings of the quoran,be interesting to know how old they think the world is.


sorry ill edit that.i mean man on the planet 200,000 years old.the world is way older


God has put these untruths to us to 'test' our faith. Science is really the devils work and anyone that embraces progress will face the wrath of the church.


Dinosaurs were monsters killed in the great flood, the world is actually flat, the world is the center of God's universe (Galileo was a lying b*****d!) and the Big bang was a devine fart!


Faith and religion are two very different things and should'nt be confused.


Spot on. :yes:


We shouldn't allow ourselves to be totally blinded by known science either though. Look at what's happened with the neutrinos seeming to travel faster than light at the LHC. If their results are confirmed, then the laws of physics will have to be rewritten and 100 years of theory go out the window..


Not saying that's down to religion though! :D:thumbs:

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