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Shouldnt knock another mans faith in god.......ive a couple of close pals both of who have gone a bit nutty on the whole God thing over recent years,one of which is now a full blown born again christi

You can thank jesus , mohamed , father christmas or the tooth fairy , any problems you had ,you overcome them yourself , don,t give some fictional make believe character credit for what you did yours

When I get doorstepped by them , I quote Jonn ,chapter 6 verse 4..................and verily did jesus yawn ,scratcheth his knackers and renounce the tresspassers by bidding them to fucketh offeth ame

Well i went to chapel until i was 16.....not that i wanted too i was made too. It was the most boring 45 of every sunday of my life. Listening to the same priest mumble on about the same stuff week in week out. The only few and far between times i enjoyed it was another priest for the day and they usually had interesting stories to tell.

I remember a priest coming to my school, never forget it, and he started of talking about Africa...........telling of how many children die each day and really nobody was listening. Then all of a sudden he told everybody to "get out, piss off....LEAVE!!!"...... :icon_eek: He went on to explain that how sad it was that we were shocked at a couple of words but didnt bat an eyelid at thousands of starving and dying children. That will stay with me forever.... :yes:

I am a catholic and proud of that but i would be a hypocrite to say that i follow my religous views........some maybe.... ;)

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we had a similar chat in primary school about africans starving,and diffrent ways we could help them.some say bring in tins of food and they would give them to charity.i said why dont we poison the tins i was launched clean out the classroom,and my parents were summoned to the school lol

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  On 28/09/2011 at 15:53, lab-tastic said:

Well i went to chapel until i was 16.....not that i wanted too i was made too. It was the most boring 45 of every sunday of my life. Getting shagged by the same priest week in week out. The only few and far between times i enjoyed it was another priest for the day would join in and make things more interesting.

I remember a priest coming to my school, never forget it, he had a massive cock, and he started of talking about Africa...........telling of how many children die each day and really nobody was listening. Then all of a sudden he told everybody to "get out, piss off....LEAVE!!!"...... me and Lab need some 'private time' :icon_eek: He went on to explain that how sad it was that we were shocked at a couple of words but didnt bat an eyelid at thousands of starving and dying children. That will stay with me forever.... :yes:

I am a catholic and proud of that but i would be a hypocrite to say that i follow my religous views........some maybe.... ;)




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  On 28/09/2011 at 15:58, FightTheBan said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:53, lab-tastic said:

Well i went to chapel until i was 16.....not that i wanted too i was made too. It was the most boring 45 of every sunday of my life. Getting shagged by the same priest week in week out. The only few and far between times i enjoyed it was another priest for the day would join in and make things more interesting.

I remember a priest coming to my school, never forget it, he had a massive cock, and he started of talking about Africa...........telling of how many children die each day and really nobody was listening. Then all of a sudden he told everybody to "get out, piss off....LEAVE!!!"...... me and Lab need some 'private time' :icon_eek: He went on to explain that how sad it was that we were shocked at a couple of words but didnt bat an eyelid at thousands of starving and dying children. That will stay with me forever.... :yes:

I am a catholic and proud of that but i would be a hypocrite to say that i follow my religous views........some maybe.... ;)




:laugh: ...............at Scott

:censored: ............at FTB................... :D

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  On 28/09/2011 at 15:58, FightTheBan said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:53, lab-tastic said:

Well i went to chapel until i was 16.....not that i wanted too i was made too. It was the most boring 45 of every sunday of my life. Getting shagged by the same priest week in week out. The only few and far between times i enjoyed it was another priest for the day would join in and make things more interesting.

I remember a priest coming to my school, never forget it, he had a massive cock, and he started of talking about Africa...........telling of how many children die each day and really nobody was listening. Then all of a sudden he told everybody to "get out, piss off....LEAVE!!!"...... me and Lab need some 'private time' :icon_eek: He went on to explain that how sad it was that we were shocked at a couple of words but didnt bat an eyelid at thousands of starving and dying children. That will stay with me forever.... :yes:

I am a catholic and proud of that but i would be a hypocrite to say that i follow my religous views........some maybe.... ;)





:laugh: :laugh:

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  On 28/09/2011 at 15:59, lab-tastic said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:58, FightTheBan said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:53, lab-tastic said:

Well i went to chapel until i was 16.....not that i wanted too i was made too. It was the most boring 45 of every sunday of my life. Getting shagged by the same priest week in week out. The only few and far between times i enjoyed it was another priest for the day would join in and make things more interesting.

I remember a priest coming to my school, never forget it, he had a massive cock, and he started of talking about Africa...........telling of how many children die each day and really nobody was listening. Then all of a sudden he told everybody to "get out, piss off....LEAVE!!!"...... me and Lab need some 'private time' :icon_eek: He went on to explain that how sad it was that we were shocked at a couple of words but didnt bat an eyelid at thousands of starving and dying children. That will stay with me forever.... :yes:

I am a catholic and proud of that but i would be a hypocrite to say that i follow my religous views........some maybe.... ;)




:laugh: ...............at Scott

:censored: ............at FTB................... :D



Well someone was going to do it!. Just be thankfull I kept it clean :angel:


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  On 28/09/2011 at 16:07, FightTheBan said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:59, lab-tastic said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:58, FightTheBan said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:53, lab-tastic said:

Well i went to chapel until i was 16.....not that i wanted too i was made too. It was the most boring 45 of every sunday of my life. Getting shagged by the same priest week in week out. The only few and far between times i enjoyed it was another priest for the day would join in and make things more interesting.

I remember a priest coming to my school, never forget it, he had a massive cock, and he started of talking about Africa...........telling of how many children die each day and really nobody was listening. Then all of a sudden he told everybody to "get out, piss off....LEAVE!!!"...... me and Lab need some 'private time' :icon_eek: He went on to explain that how sad it was that we were shocked at a couple of words but didnt bat an eyelid at thousands of starving and dying children. That will stay with me forever.... :yes:

I am a catholic and proud of that but i would be a hypocrite to say that i follow my religous views........some maybe.... ;)




:laugh: ...............at Scott

:censored: ............at FTB................... :D



Well someone was going to do it!. Just be thankfull I kept it clean :angel:


I knew what you ment mate......i was just a little annoyed that you spoke about my extra choir lessons.

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  On 28/09/2011 at 09:35, Born Hunter said:

Personally Gnasher I was brought up to believe in a God, a Christian God, I prayed for my family and loved ones every night before bed and attended traditional Christian events. I was taught all the religious storys from the bible and the underlying meaning behind them. It has nothing to do with writing it off and not giving it a chance. It has everything to do with logic, fact and science.


Dont make out people like myself to be disrespectfull uneducated louts that dismiss religion with no argument. For the last 500 years religion has moved the goal posts to fit with the ever growing facts science has thrown into the world, NEVER has science moved to acomadate religion. There is room for both, and many of our species greatest scientific minds were religious people (not so much now as in the past). Some people need faith, Im not one of them. I find it incredibly hard to live on faith, its one of my many flaws, and thats not easy for me to admit either. Some people need faith, thats good, but just because somebody doesnt doesnt make their argument against religion any less valid.


Atb :thumbs::victory:


I wasnt directing my thoughts at you mate i just meant people in general ( myself included up till a few years ago )......i was raised with absolutely nothing to do with religion,not because my parents were in any way against it simply because it never got a look in we was all too busy with other things.....however now life has slowed down a bit and i suppose as we all mature we tend to look a little more into certain things we wouldnt normally have given the time of day ( i even started playing golf a while back :D ).....

You sound an educated chap Born Hunter and im certainly not going to get into a debate on science with a scientist !!....what im saying is some folk maybe have to reach a certain stage in life before they give religion any thought,you have obviously given it thought and for your own reasons found its not for you and thats fine....for me to give it any thought took a few friends who in every other walk of life i listen to and respect their thoughts so only natural to give it a look surely.

All id say as regards belief,is there are certain things i have no real explannation for,yes they can probably be reasoned out through scientific evidence etc....and maybe im guilty of wanting to believe in something im not convinced exists i dont know......i guess its something we all as individuals have to find our own way with and im still very much at the inquisitive stage and not convinced one way or the other.Interesting to hear your thoughts anyway sir :thumbs:

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  On 28/09/2011 at 09:45, WILF said:

Thanks Gnasher, I just watched all three............loved it!


That man and his brothers are no muggs and I could relate to so much of what he was saying. :thumbs: :thumbs:


He,s 10 years older than me but having known the family since childhood i can honestly say i would never have dreamed he would end up being such a humble and thoroughly decent person......if this is the type of quality God can bring to a man then its certainly something im willing to give a chance as we can all do with improvement....well i can anyway :angel:

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  On 28/09/2011 at 15:57, scothunter said:

we had a similar chat in primary school about africans starving,and diffrent ways we could help them.some say bring in tins of food and they would give them to charity.i said why dont we poison the tins i was launched clean out the classroom,and my parents were summoned to the school lol




that's a classic.

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  On 28/09/2011 at 19:18, blan89 said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 15:57, scothunter said:

we had a similar chat in primary school about africans starving,and diffrent ways we could help them.some say bring in tins of food and they would give them to charity.i said why dont we poison the tins i was launched clean out the classroom,and my parents were summoned to the school lol




that's a classic.


i was showing compassion,i didnt mean kill them just out of sheer badness.i kinda summed up in my tiny wee mind that it would be for the best.probblem solved.unfortunaetly my mum or the teachers didnt feel the same.didnt help that miss mcnee was charity worker for bangladesh.all my mum said was "oh it must have been something he saw on the telly".she just looked at my mum,as if to say i dont know what is worse.that you allow him to watch stuff like that or you have a wicked child lol

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  On 28/09/2011 at 17:02, gnasher16 said:
  On 28/09/2011 at 09:35, Born Hunter said:

Personally Gnasher I was brought up to believe in a God, a Christian God, I prayed for my family and loved ones every night before bed and attended traditional Christian events. I was taught all the religious storys from the bible and the underlying meaning behind them. It has nothing to do with writing it off and not giving it a chance. It has everything to do with logic, fact and science.


Dont make out people like myself to be disrespectfull uneducated louts that dismiss religion with no argument. For the last 500 years religion has moved the goal posts to fit with the ever growing facts science has thrown into the world, NEVER has science moved to acomadate religion. There is room for both, and many of our species greatest scientific minds were religious people (not so much now as in the past). Some people need faith, Im not one of them. I find it incredibly hard to live on faith, its one of my many flaws, and thats not easy for me to admit either. Some people need faith, thats good, but just because somebody doesnt doesnt make their argument against religion any less valid.


Atb :thumbs::victory:


I wasnt directing my thoughts at you mate i just meant people in general ( myself included up till a few years ago )......i was raised with absolutely nothing to do with religion,not because my parents were in any way against it simply because it never got a look in we was all too busy with other things.....however now life has slowed down a bit and i suppose as we all mature we tend to look a little more into certain things we wouldnt normally have given the time of day ( i even started playing golf a while back :D ).....

You sound an educated chap Born Hunter and im certainly not going to get into a debate on science with a scientist !!....what im saying is some folk maybe have to reach a certain stage in life before they give religion any thought,you have obviously given it thought and for your own reasons found its not for you and thats fine....for me to give it any thought took a few friends who in every other walk of life i listen to and respect their thoughts so only natural to give it a look surely.

All id say as regards belief,is there are certain things i have no real explannation for,yes they can probably be reasoned out through scientific evidence etc....and maybe im guilty of wanting to believe in something im not convinced exists i dont know......i guess its something we all as individuals have to find our own way with and im still very much at the inquisitive stage and not convinced one way or the other.Interesting to hear your thoughts anyway sir :thumbs:


Likewise. I sincerely apologise if i got a bit carried away. I have a tendancy to do that. Debate truly is an art, and philisophy is a grand subject to practice it with.


I'm educated to a degree and spend far too much of my life thinking about shit that has no bearing on work or pleasure. I always find your input very interesting and of value.


I understand what you're saying regards faith Gnasher, it's a very personal thing, nothing i would ever knock a man for. Religion on the other hand, if presented in the wrong way, can fire me up a bit. I'm only human :D



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  On 27/09/2011 at 11:46, turtlehead said:

mate i don't want to mock you,but religion isn't as big on this side of the pond as it is over there(praise jebus for that).the fact that you were born in america pushes your odds of being a christian way up.but if you were born in tibet you would surely be a buddist or saudi arabia a muslim or india a hindu or sikh.what makes you think you are right and everyone else is wrong?my own personal view is that it is bronze age man learning to control the minds of others.i'm sure you're sincere in your belief but i think you quit the drugs,alcohol and smokes on your own,and the reason you didn't pull the trigger is that the mind is very good at self preservation and can easily find a reason to live. :thumbs:

I appreciuate all of the responses. I was really surprised to see 7 pages of responses already, I have not read them all yet, but I will. My sister lived in England for a while when her husband was in the airforce. their daughter Britany was born in Britan. They told me that Christianity was not as popular over there.


Here is one point that is being missed up to the few posts I have read so far. I liked doing drugs and drinking for a while, but continued to do them long after I quit liking them. I tried and tried to quit, but was unable to do it. after 14 years of constantly being high on something, I did a seemingly foolish thing. I walked up to the front of a church and asked an invisible God to forgive me and come into my heart. I came there with a loaded gun and 14 pounds of Marijuana in my car trunk and i left there with a loaded gun and 14 pounds of Marajuana in my trunk, I looked the same, but i was not the same.......... That was 23 years ago. I have been divorced twice, My first born son died of a drug overdose, and I have been through many other things, but have never even considered going back to the drugs or the alcohol. Todd

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