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Bollocks to some :duh: to others,a book full of History,Poetry,Philosophy,Prophecy and depending on your understanding of certain passages such as the early chapters of Genesis or the book ascribed to the Prophet Jonah,perhaps also Myths and Parables


There are 4 ways at looking at it;

Literal, plain and obvious,words understood in everyday senses,taken at face value.

Moral, text understood as relevant to our own lives and situations and to the decisions we make .

Allegorical ,interpretation of the elements of the text as standing for something else.

Spiritual, the meaning is hidden,inner,often mystical meaning.

If all that is bollocks,all I can say is ,your loss :(


Why is there No cats in the Bible ? read it there is no mention .[media='']



lol im a dunce cause i dont believe the crap in the bible.you never fail to amaze me dixie.

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Shouldnt knock another mans faith in god.......ive a couple of close pals both of who have gone a bit nutty on the whole God thing over recent years,one of which is now a full blown born again christi

You can thank jesus , mohamed , father christmas or the tooth fairy , any problems you had ,you overcome them yourself , don,t give some fictional make believe character credit for what you did yours

When I get doorstepped by them , I quote Jonn ,chapter 6 verse 4..................and verily did jesus yawn ,scratcheth his knackers and renounce the tresspassers by bidding them to fucketh offeth ame

Bollocks to some :duh: to others,a book full of History,Poetry,Philosophy,Prophecy and depending on your understanding of certain passages such as the early chapters of Genesis or the book ascribed to the Prophet Jonah,perhaps also Myths and Parables


There are 4 ways at looking at it;

Literal, plain and obvious,words understood in everyday senses,taken at face value.

Moral, text understood as relevant to our own lives and situations and to the decisions we make .

Allegorical ,interpretation of the elements of the text as standing for something else.

Spiritual, the meaning is hidden,inner,often mystical meaning.

If all that is bollocks,all I can say is ,your loss :(


Why is there No cats in the Bible ? read it there is no mention .[media='']



I agree............

To call the bible a load of bollocks thats fine,dont read it then............some folk would call certain posts on this forum a load of bollocks,but the simple answer is dont read something you have no interest in.........and if you have no interest theres no need for comment surely.

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