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advice on ferret biting

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hi all my son got his first ferret yesterday , a polecat coloured hob 5 month old

i havent had a ferret for about 20 years and we are getting back into it in an effort to keep the boy off the xbox

the ferret was fine when we were at the chaps we bought it from and yesterday didnt mind being handled but when we went to feed it this morning it latched onto my son and wouldnt let go so iopened its mouth to get bit myself using my other hand to remove it it then bit my other hand , so i cut a leg off the sunday roast waited until it had fed its fill and tried picking it up again and got bit for my trouble

dont want the boy to get disheartened and give up so any advice welcome

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just keep handling every single day for at least 15-20 mins. distract with one hand and pick up with the other holding index finger and thumb round its neck and other three fingers under front legs (around ribs) so it can't turn round and bite....it'll be OK after a couple of weeks, just needs to get used to you and your son :thumbs:

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Feed it then handle it there less likely to bite with a full stomach and feeling sleepy i think you will see a big difference in a fortnight .And maybe moving him and being all by himself unsettled him a bit ?.

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only problem when getting another is that they will fight when they come into season next year if you leave them intact mate of mine had this a few years ago left 2 hobs together to long and they fought till one of them was very badly injured and it only survived because he got there in time. so if your getting another then get them both chopped or be prepared to seperate them from feb to sept at least

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im no expert mate but mine are right barstewards 1st thing in the morning but ive learned they just need to burn some energy off and have summat to eat then they are fine for the rest of the day i started with the 1 (HOB) for the exact reason you did to keep my 9 year old son off his xbox then i went roiund a lads who had a few and realised ours needed a play buddy so got a jill the hob will be snipped as soon as hes old enough so the can be kept together all year round and bring her out of season like i say im no expert but be patient and handle handle handle then handle a bit more....



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I've had a little trouble with a kit of mine... this is what i did.


Vitamin paste from pets at home.. put some on the edge of the hutch.. they love it it really keeps them busy.. touch the ferret.. its head etc. then leave it.. do this a few times it will stop getting jumpy... once its stopped being jumpy put the paste on the back of your hand and make a tight fist.. let it lick it off and while its doing that pick it up, pull it into your chest so you can again, touch its head.. feet etc. as soon as it stops licking the paste put it down and wait a little while.... i did this for a week and now shes getting to the point i dont need the paste.. obviously theres a small nip until she relises whats going on but another week of this i think she will be fine :)

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thanks for all the advice i am picking up a 6x4 shed off of freecycle tomorrow and the plan is to put mesh up 2/3rds of one side and build an aviary style safety door so they will have plenty of room to run around and tire themselves out without risking them escapeing , as i breed serama bantams i dont want to risk the boy dropping them and them getting my birds

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spend as much time as possible with ur ferret and it will be fine i spend any where from 1-2 hours out side with mine every day and they never bite me although they bite every one they dont know they recognisen.e people through smell and you dont smell like the guy you got your ferret from

Well handled ferrets can be handled by anyone, it sounds as though yours arn't. I can work my ferrets with anyone and they can pick them up without getting bitten.

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hi all my son got his first ferret yesterday , a polecat coloured hob 5 month old

i havent had a ferret for about 20 years and we are getting back into it in an effort to keep the boy off the xbox

the ferret was fine when we were at the chaps we bought it from and yesterday didnt mind being handled but when we went to feed it this morning it latched onto my son and wouldnt let go so iopened its mouth to get bit myself using my other hand to remove it it then bit my other hand , so i cut a leg off the sunday roast waited until it had fed its fill and tried picking it up again and got bit for my trouble

dont want the boy to get disheartened and give up so any advice welcome

As has been said handle as much as you can,but you might just have a wrong un,some ferrets will always bite no matter how much you handle them,not a lot but it happens..

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I got bitten by one of my ferrets at a simular age as yours and I too was feeding him with it being a kitt he saw my hand moving and could smell food so thought I was food but now he is 1 1/2 yrs old and sits on my shoulder when i'm cleaning his hutch and is a very tame now lol it takes one pal

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