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A warm one

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tonight, most of the night there was no wind whatsoever, then a few times it did build up for some good runs.

Woodga & Star, Boo & I started out on some permission we gained last year, got it after the drunken gamekeeper who had tried to let the tyres down on my Trooper saw the error of his ways :laugh: It was a no-go last year due to the rabbits being extremely lamp shy, so Woodga, snared and ferreted it instead. Unfortunately again they were very shy, it was a really light night and they were staying close to the edges, the ones we did see made off as soon as the lamp hit them, Boo's first run the rabbit was too close to the edge and made it into cover, he caught the next 2. In the past Boo has had me a bit worried regarding his prey drive, his 2nd season he decided to pull up before fences/hedges and at times would just not bother running and rabbits already close to the edges :huh: Last season he seemed to be a bit better but it was just about a complete washout for us, we had snow for about 2 mths then i had surgery which meant i could not go out from Jan onwards. And this season (Boo's 4th) has only just started for us. Well tonight he had no qualms about running into edges for the rabbits, i have never seen Boo so keen, i usually say how lovely it is to take him out, he is such a gent, well behaved, no stress, tonight he pulled on the slip like a bleedin bull elephant, almost somersaulting when Star had her runs :D He was not going to pull up for anything even after this happened on a fence.....








Woodga was an absolute gent as always, we went off to his old permission and since this was Boo's first proper night out after injury so he allowed him the majority of the runs, we took it nice and slow tonight a lovely relaxed mooch about not bothered about numbers, just enjoyed watching the dogs working. Boo got 14 out of 19 runs in 4 hours, it was enough since he is not up to the fitness levels i would normally run him at and we decided to call it a night. Their last run was a belter, Star was sent after a lamped rabbit, there were 2 still sitting behind it, off she went chasing it down a hill, i lamped one of the 2 remaining, it sat tight and Boo picked it up out of the seat, the other made off and Star was on it after just losing the 1st through the fence, she then knew exactly what this one would do and got it just before it managed the same escape. She is still very much a pup in her looks and behaviour at 23mths old, but i can see a huge difference in her since last year, she is going to be a cracking dog for Woodga :clapper:


22 rabbits in total.






Had a lovely night as i always do with Woodga, thank you very much................... Well apart from deliberately leading me to a massive hole so i would fall over :nono: ..... Nasty man :laugh:

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Great night there Moll and co... ;)



Hopefully that Boo sorted now, But iv seen it before with my mate dog he was simalar, Wouldnt run anything too close to the hedge or ones that he thought he wouldnt catch you''d slip him he'd run 10 ft and stop dead an watch the rabbit run too cover, He was the same after the summer easy off start back like that was all behind him but soon resulted back too his old ways after a few weeks on the lamp when the keenness drop off, He did finally give up/jacked call it what you want (But my mate does say too this day that it was his fault) It was his first lurcher and he'd be out 5 nights a week with it and run him on any rabbit he seen stuiped slips on hedges to close to setts ect and after a season or two broke the dogs heart, But he was young and didnt know no better back then,


But like SC said he's been gave the clear on the injury front and 14 out of 19 says it all thats a great catch rate :yes: , Just Rude boy to get behind a few now lol atb for the season ahead

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