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Out and about meeting coppers !!

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Out lamping tonight with number 1 son.. on a new permission virtually IN Edinburgh,, very urban,, but loaded with rabbits,,


Anyway,,was a pish night,, nearly daylight with lighting and no wind,, torture,, so! we head back to the motor, to find someone at it,, runs up,, ready for a scrap, and it`s 2 transport cops!! cause wur near a railway yard !! ,, so anyway,, we does the pnc shit, and end up havin a natter,, one oh them is well interested in the dug,, and get this!! tells us aboot his whippet cross!!!!!


Crossed witha rhodesian ridgeback !!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha,,


The bitch was the ridgeback,, so the whippet musta been a hard wee fuker!!,,


Demon on the criminal type seemingly !!! lol.. bloke wiz serious though,, swears that what he`s got,, turns oot the blokes wur fine,, nae hassle and took an interest in what we wur up tae,




So,, has this cross got a future in hunting circles ???

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they not like that but you get a few ,got pulled the other night lamping out of the moter .so we got bluelighted by unmarked car took the drivers deatals did,nt even speak 2 me or another lad and just lets us get ourway ,he actully said happy hunting :icon_eek:

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I think type of police helps, we had transport police out before, apparently red filters are a no, no,, near the tracks :laugh:

(prety obvious why when someone points it out) never really gave it a thaught to be honest.

I just think they dont have the same targets to meet, they were pretty sound to be fair.

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