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fools already lamping my new permission

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Not nice is it....

what do you want them to do put an add in the paper to see if anyone else is lamping it stop moaning an get on with it

they probably dont venture to far from the side of the road in trainers

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To be fair he must be a wee bit blind if he hasn't noticed 7 lads, 8 dogs and lamps on there regular, not to mention 2 vans parked up.


It's a f****r though, makes getting permission a bit pointless. I got a good few 1000 acres in one are of permission that i don't even bother visiting, as by the time you get half way through september, it's f****d.

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I know what you saying about the gang of lads in the fields, but every chripple has his own way of walking, I have lamped much if not all of Meath, from Julintownstown right across to summerhill and all the other places in between for many a long year, and have came across lads that have questioned my presence on the land, taking into account that these lads were no older than my own son, my reply to these lads is as always,,, these boots I wear are old, they have walked many a field, they have left footprints before you could walk.


I am CERTAIN that there are boots that have walked the land before me, thats why I never question any SEASONED lads that I see on my land.


But 7 lads and 8 dogs, bit much that.

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John i wouldn't mind coming across a couple of lads when im out on my permission or not i often have and sometimes carried on with them or we talked and told each other were wev'e been and went seperate ways and i have often met other lads out and organised nights out together

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John i wouldn't mind coming across a couple of lads when im out on my permission or not i often have and sometimes carried on with them or we talked and told each other were wev'e been and went seperate ways and i have often met other lads out and organised nights out together



Ah I know where ur coming from, the point I am making is that we are not always the first person on a bit of land, weather we have access or not, I got access to some land in slane and was told that nobody is lamping it, met tons of lads on it since,,lol,,, anyhow would love to meet up with ya and do a bit of red hunting soon, on your land of course,,lol,,

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i have lamped other people's spots aswell but may be 2 or at most 3 of us out but fools in tracksuits and air max with 8 dogs and lamp out of argos will do this spot and this spot only all winter

:lol: ill tell um to put some camo on next time then will they be ok ;)

yeah and leave 6 of them at home

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John i wouldn't mind coming across a couple of lads when im out on my permission or not i often have and sometimes carried on with them or we talked and told each other were wev'e been and went seperate ways and i have often met other lads out and organised nights out together



Ah I know where ur coming from, the point I am making is that we are not always the first person on a bit of land, weather we have access or not, I got access to some land in slane and was told that nobody is lamping it, met tons of lads on it since,,lol,,, anyhow would love to meet up with ya and do a bit of red hunting soon, on your land of course,,lol,,

yeah no bother John i still have plenty of other spot's that arn't destroied by fools that only lamp when it's not to wet or windy out even thou we did'nt come across much that night we still got this fella and a couple of rabbits

Edited by lurcher330
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John i wouldn't mind coming across a couple of lads when im out on my permission or not i often have and sometimes carried on with them or we talked and told each other were wev'e been and went seperate ways and i have often met other lads out and organised nights out together



Ah I know where ur coming from, the point I am making is that we are not always the first person on a bit of land, weather we have access or not, I got access to some land in slane and was told that nobody is lamping it, met tons of lads on it since,,lol,,, anyhow would love to meet up with ya and do a bit of red hunting soon, on your land of course,,lol,,

yeah no bother John i still have plenty of other spot's that arn't destroied by fools that only lamp when it's not to wet or windy out even thou we did'nt come across much that night we still got this fella and a couple of rabbits



That's a fine big fox :thumbs: , you look very frightened in the pic though? :laugh:

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