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Mole control with the 3 shot auto

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I recently had a call to trap some moles on 3 grass seeded fields! Freshly ploughed and rolled! I have been there 3 days now and not even set a trap! I have been shooting them with my auto and i have shot 42 moles upto now! And i charge £15 per mole!! Has or does anyone shoot moles with a shotgun and what is your best bag? Thanks for reading!!

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Mole shooting is almost a traditional method of control. Done with patience it is also very effective . Sadly Jasper Carrott did little for its image !.

.Many moons ago I managed to suffer a few weeks of working for a" fairly big PC company " that had a contract on various golf courses . The only good bit about working for the firm was that I actually enjoyed some lovely frosty dawn patrols with my old Baikal . The manicured nature of these places made it possible to spot activity from quite a distance . Its amazing how the slightest wisp of mist rising,twitch of the frozen grass or other subtle change in the ground would catch the eye and have me steadily waiting at a likely interception point .. A bubbling heap of fresh moil was just a bonus ! After the shot It was in with the trowel to retrieve proof of success.

Since then its something I do occasionally .

Out of interest KSMan. Do you favour the direct hit or death by shock approach if given a choice ?



My best bag?. ..A lovely old fashioned webbing paper-boy's sack that I still sometimes use when ferreting ...Sorry

Seriously . Nice work at a a nice price . :thumbs: All the best .

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I recently had a call to trap some moles on 3 grass seeded fields! Freshly ploughed and rolled! I have been there 3 days now and not even set a trap! I have been shooting them with my auto and i have shot 42 moles upto now! And i charge £15 per mole!! Has or does anyone shoot moles with a shotgun and what is your best bag? Thanks for reading!!

lot for mole

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I recently had a call to trap some moles on 3 grass seeded fields! Freshly ploughed and rolled! I have been there 3 days now and not even set a trap! I have been shooting them with my auto and i have shot 42 moles upto now! And i charge £15 per mole!! Has or does anyone shoot moles with a shotgun and what is your best bag? Thanks for reading!!

14 moles a day with a shotgun :blink: i,d like to see it done...

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I recently had a call to trap some moles on 3 grass seeded fields! Freshly ploughed and rolled! I have been there 3 days now and not even set a trap! I have been shooting them with my auto and i have shot 42 moles upto now! And i charge £15 per mole!! Has or does anyone shoot moles with a shotgun and what is your best bag? Thanks for reading!!

14 moles a day with a shotgun :blink: i,d like to see it done...

i like to get 42 moles with gun over three dys\@fiften £££ mole,=£630 , i dont wntbto be builder no more

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My young lad has managed to bag a couple with his 28bore, from a foot or so away, but it was in february. We were just sitting in a hide waiting for crows, with alot of mole hills in front of us. I never expected to get any but he snook out of the hide quietly and on the "second" push up of the soil, he fired. What was supprising was that there was hardly any damage to them.

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So it's a waiting game then? I have couple of fields that get pretty busy with moles, manage 20-30 a year in traps but now I have my Sgc it's something different to do? ;-) if anyone could give me a clue as to how to go about it? Times of day etc? Atb ant

i can leave the gun at home,, more luck with a spade.or keep with the traps.

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So it's a waiting game then? I have couple of fields that get pretty busy with moles, manage 20-30 a year in traps but now I have my Sgc it's something different to do? ;-) if anyone could give me a clue as to how to go about it? Times of day etc? Atb ant

Try 7,30am till dinner, then try 3pm till 6pm thats when i get most of mine, also walk the fields like your walking on glass, while your walking round you will see the fresher soil! how far you from derbyshire??

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My young lad has managed to bag a couple with his 28bore, from a foot or so away, but it was in february. We were just sitting in a hide waiting for crows, with alot of mole hills in front of us. I never expected to get any but he snook out of the hide quietly and on the "second" push up of the soil, he fired. What was supprising was that there was hardly any damage to them.

Its as if there ears pop!

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I recently had a call to trap some moles on 3 grass seeded fields! Freshly ploughed and rolled! I have been there 3 days now and not even set a trap! I have been shooting them with my auto and i have shot 42 moles upto now! And i charge £15 per mole!! Has or does anyone shoot moles with a shotgun and what is your best bag? Thanks for reading!!

14 moles a day with a shotgun :blink: i,d like to see it done...

Any time

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