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Net Making..


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'Col_c88' timestamp='1317148026' post='2263349']

Yea av got some cheap stuff from maxwells...... how do i stop the not slipping then? just pulli it tighter?


Aye or double knot them as Leeview said or after you do your knot do the same again but just threw the mesh not around it again (does that make sense?.) it sounds like your loosing your concentration and a odd loose knots appearing

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Thanks max.. its the satisfaction of catching rabbits in my own nets im looking forward to... and Paulus you lost me mate

Thanks.. ive sussed it now im up to my 8th row, taking a break after every row cos ive got baby room to sort out,,misses to help, stray ferret to stop being bullied ...decided to try with the real stu

Thanks.. ive sussed it now im up to my 8th row, taking a break after every row cos ive got baby room to sort out,,misses to help, stray ferret to stop being bullied :(...decided to try with the real stuff for some odd reason lol....


how many rows do i need.. ive done 7 ... im thinking about another 4-5 will be pretty long.. also.. worried about how i finish..


last time i took a pic this is what i had(showing my dad my progress)



anyways you are all a great help! :)

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18 meshes long will give you a net about 3'-0" using a standard mesh board (2").

I use the knot as described by Leeview when knitting with spun poly(or nylon in days gone by), don't know the name of the knot it's just the way i was taught over 30 years ago, it stops slip knots occurring and that can only be a good thing when learning.I use single knots when knitting hemp nets.

Finishing is just as easy as knitting the rows, instead of a mesh board you're using the front of the ring.

Good luck, it does get easier the more you do. :thumbs: . if you get stuck just give me a shout, i'm no expert nor a commercial net-knitter but i will help all i can.

Atb Mick

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col thats looking good for your first attempt by the third net you will be wondering what all the fuss was about. you will run out of twine on your needle this should not be a concern just try to do it at the end of the row if poss. your net needs to be at least 3 feet long i go for 21 meshes long and 15 wide these purse a beauty at 2.1/4 inch mesh. Instead of watching agoutis video listen to them as you do the knots might sound daft but it works.just concentrate on the row you ar doing and nothing else pull all the knots tight one by one and keep a check of what you are doing slow and steady and you will crack it. any hassle give us a shout and i will try and help no expert myself but have tied agood few nets up


atb muddy

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Finally last night I figured out what knot I was missing, every time I started a new mesh I didnt tie the last knot off. :wallbash:


Anyways after sussing that, I did it!! :boogy:




Thank god for my determination :boxing:


sorry for the bad picture I couldnt keep my balance (oh hi pot on foot ><)



thanks all for the help, definatly made it alot easier and I am going to be making many many more nets! :)

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