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best ferreting shovel

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This it what i find best Saves your back.

Same as many above, i like a short, round headed shovel, with a decent shaft and comfortable grip, got a couple from tool station or screw fix for a couple of quid each. Long shovels are no good for g

thats a mighty fine shovel :laugh:

Same as many above, i like a short, round headed shovel, with a decent shaft and comfortable grip, got a couple from tool station or screw fix for a couple of quid each. Long shovels are no good for getting in under hedges etc. But if going to land that needs it, a long bladed post shovel goes in the car.



brilliant wee spade this :thumbs:

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Same as many above, i like a short, round headed shovel, with a decent shaft and comfortable grip, got a couple from tool station or screw fix for a couple of quid each. Long shovels are no good for getting in under hedges etc. But if going to land that needs it, a long bladed post shovel goes in the car.



brilliant wee spade this :thumbs:

these are alright, if the ground is soft, and you dont have to dig to deep, if the ground is hard and stoney or chalky,then this kind of spade is useless, their blade is to light and flimsy, i used one the other week and the blade just bent because the ground was to much for it, and the depth i had to go down was 4ft, so we had a long wait for ferret to come out.......just my opinion,


all the best,

jay. :thumbs:

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the best spade is let some other barstewrs do it for you and sit back on the ferret box and take a bit time to relax and when your 6 inces from breaking through dive in and get the glory lol ive used grafts round mouths home made jobs the lot usaly the gas board etc have best of kit

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I work for the gas digging up the mains by hand,we use the bulldog with the fibreglass shaft it's light as a feather you can dig all day with them,do get a bit itchy though when when the fibreglass wears a bit.

There free for us but not sure where you'll get them in the shops.




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