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Hi guys

I still have an immersion heater in my house , it heats off the coal fire in the winter but In summer I use the immersion switch to boost the water heat. Now To keep the bills down is it more economical to keep the switch on 24 /7 for permanant hot water ? or to only switch it on when you need hot water?

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Hi Hawkeye


I earn my living in the Electricity Supply industry.


At one time I mostly dealt with meter accuracy disputes, and your sort of question came up a lot.


In a perfect world with a perfectly insulated tank and an efficient and reliable thermostat , then 24/7 should be OK.


In practice I never came across a situation where it worked like that.....


Also bear in mind that if your immersion heater is 3 kWh and a unit of electricity is 7 pence, then if your immersion heater was on only a third of each day, it would contribute over £150 notes to your average 91 day bill......... :icon_eek:


I'd find out the least period and best time you can get away with it being on, by trial and error. Maybe E7 tariff would help? But you'd lose out on that in the winter when you fired up the coal again.

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