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A Friendly Warning

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Remember the good old days when peoples and dogs reputations were built on actual happenings witnessed by others and not by some plonkers telling lies and posting photos on the internet.Pre internet forums, idiots were not tolerated by anybody,now all these fools can sit at a keyboard and invent reputations for themselves and fill other idiots with their own shite and post photos that any knowlegable dog man would never dream of doing.The internet hasn't much to offer fieldsports as it draws all the misfits and muppets that in the real world few people have time for.


Never a truer word spoken. Internet has left the wrong information very easy too get a hold off.

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Remember the good old days when peoples and dogs reputations were built on actual happenings witnessed by others and not by some plonkers telling lies and posting photos on the internet.Pre internet f

There was a time when getting out and actually doing a bit was the big appeal of it all... I think it's a symptom of the age we live in, everything has to be done as a group and people are using the i

It doesnt matter. Those who put up such pictures obviously have nothing to loose so will continue to do so. Common sense aint that common.   FTB

the lurcher is mine.......fcuck them the clueless idiots, dogs pick scars up whislt doing work.....it doesnt have to be the work these IDIOTS think it is.......i will look into weather it is illeagal they have pictures of my dog published without permission

I know lads that are being prosecuted at the moment,by the clueless idiots,because of scars on dogs and posting pictures.So keep posting the piccy,s and when you get a knock at the door don,t forget to tell them who the real idiot is.



what extactly are they being done for?....dogs carry scars,.....simple as weather is rows in kennel or out bushing with terriers.....they are picked up hear there and everywhere......there has gotta be more to it than just a scarring around a dog muzzle......

.Then when you get the knock on the door because of the posted pic,s the clueless idiots take away your mobile and computer and then the thick baskets find all this other stuff,some you thought you had deleted,then the thick twats take your dogs and equipment,to cap it all the imbeciles find evidence to rope some of your accomplices into the equation.


Are you for real ..the people who do that are likely well educated people doing there job ..the people who have these pictures and post them are the names you're calling

are you for real? go and ask someone to explain the word irony to you :duh:

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