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prank phone calls

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nah but my old man sent me out to the ice cream van when i was a kid.asking for 5 chocolate ovaries.and another time for chocolate maiden heads. the guy just laughed in my face.my old man was a c**t

Classic........ Reminded me off something that happened to my Dad. He was out walking the greyhounds years back and he decided with it being very early in the morning and no one around he could let

he maybe got himself tangled in his new gate nets lol

i think ive grown up a bit now to e doing that.used to call the fire brigade on the way to prmary school from the call box.and say theres a fire.


on the end of my f*****g fag!


or calling the pakis and asking for ten embassy hostages

were u the guy who asked at the ice cream van for a penny lickyourarse

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i think ive grown up a bit now to e doing that.used to call the fire brigade on the way to prmary school from the call box.and say theres a fire.


on the end of my f*****g fag!


or calling the pakis and asking for ten embassy hostages

were u the guy who asked at the ice cream van for a penny lickyourarse


nah but my old man sent me out to the ice cream van when i was a kid.asking for 5 chocolate ovaries.and another time for chocolate maiden heads.

the guy just laughed in my face.my old man was a c**t at times lol

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Remember a mate of mine saying years ago when we were at school they plucked a number out of the phone book and dialled the number. An older lady answered and said "Is that you Paul(something like that) they had got the boys Gran. Anyway they went along with it saying that they were stuck in the house and a group of boys were outside and they were going to get killed. They put the phone down and dialled back giving it the heavy breathing and saying they wanted to do this and that to the granny and she was shouting down the phone "Paul, paul thats disgusting....wait too i tell your mother...."!!......

I often wondered what happened to that poor c**t paul..... :laugh:

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tb25 has a habbit of pranking but he goes under the name 'becca'.

:laugh: :laugh: .........well "Becca" has a facebook page so he has went to alot of trouble............. :icon_eek::D

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we where working on a re fit of a ladbrookes bingo hall on nights -- one of the lads rang the gaffer and put the mike to his mobile - it came trough the speakers all around the bingo hall -- something along the lines of when i found out who it is your dead mind it was 3-30 am ... :D on another night job i rang a phone in quiz on a local radio station and put on a stupid voice and gave the most stupid answers the lads where pissin with laughing even the dj had a giggle .. i stand next to my mate on the market when he`s busy i ring his moby just as it comes out his pocket i hang up ... the mrs sits with her moby on the settee arm i wait till she nods off then ring it . :whistling: .

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