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Guest Ditch_Shitter

When someone asked if anyone had snow, in Chat last night, I thought it was a wind up. I woke up at 11:30 to a Gloriously sunny day. By 11:35 it was a virtual f*cking white out! I went out in it and nearly froze to death crossing my yard - but the return of the sun saved me inside three minutes. Then the wind got up and pierced me. Snowing as I write this. F*ck knows what it'll be doing time I hit Post! :icon_eek:

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I woke up at 11:30


Christ Ditch, 11:30 :icon_eek::D , I was at work at 0800 and awake since 0550. The joys of young children :D At work till 1700 but having a coffee and a browse............

Edited by Simoman
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The snow will be a nightmare for me this time of the year just as birds are coming into breeding condition :cry:, I just start to get things up and running with some now coming in and the cold weather slows them down again.


I don't know whats going on but I have a pair of established breeders which are normally treading this time of the year and so far are doing nothing, everything is set up the same as usual but no displaying or anything :icon_eek:, its probably got something to do with the way the weather has been behaving.


I'm trying to find a website I had sent me of a guy who predicts the weather, aparantly he has been so accurate over a number of years the RNLA and a good few others go to him now instead of the national forcast! he predicted this year we will have ground frosts and sleat in April and May :hmm:, if he's right what a nightmare it will be for ground nesters includeing gamebirds......

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Guest Frank
Weather here is topsy tervy. one minute its sunny not a cloud in sight then next thing clouds over and pisses down with hail and rain, then goes back to sunny skys. Raally windy aswell


Same where i am, but, with extra snow. :icon_eek:


The wind would cut you like a razor blade. :blink:



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