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down south

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Had a run out with dodger, and his dog, bin going up north,last hanfull of trips, a diffrent ball game last nite ,me pup now knows what grafting for a rabbit his about, give dodger his do, he loved the rabbits giving his dog a hard time, got more of a kick out of that than the amount we was catching,, we ended up with 52 ,,26 each,, battery died on us wel mite of add a handfull more,,,found it very sporting, and enjoyed it,,,


Edited by robert michem
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good going as usual,,, i dont expect owt else... just going back to the travel thing,,, two statments i hate,,, "you wont even see that many round me" and when buying sumat "if only you were closer"

Well said that man!!! It's harsh but it's true,i know many of the younger folk can't drive but in my youth (long long ago) i'd get a lift or even public transport and get 10/15 miles from home and jus

Had a run out with dodger, and his dog, bin going up north,last hanfull of trips, a diffrent ball game last nite ,me pup now knows what grafting for a rabbit his about, give dodger his do, he loved th

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  On 21/09/2011 at 11:51, Simoman said:

As you say Jim, travelling, many folk aren't prepared to do it, are happy to come on here and whinge and spend £100 in the pub at a weekend but complain about fuel and wont drive anywhere, good haul lads........



Well said that man!!! It's harsh but it's true,i know many of the younger folk can't drive but in my youth (long long ago) i'd get a lift or even public transport and get 10/15 miles from home and just lamp all the way home..sometime successful and many times not but if you don't get out and try then you'll catch naff all sitting whingeing about it on here lol..off on a 250 mile round trip tonight and trek some harsh ground for several hours in between..we may or may not catch anything worthwhile but we'll be out having a go for sure :ninja: .ATB Andy.

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good going as usual,,, i dont expect owt else... just going back to the travel thing,,, two statments i hate,,, "you wont even see that many round me" and when buying sumat "if only you were closer".


put some diesel in and travel

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