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What mounts for a HW90?

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Pretty much any half decent mount will do you fine on a 90, mate.


I've used everything from expensive one piece to cheapo two piece ebay Chineese rubbish on mine with no creep problems ever. The 90 has a very sweet firing cycle for a springer, low recoil and virtually no vibration give scopes and mounts an easy time on them :thumbs:

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Can't beat SPORTSMATCH! I recommend two-piece mounts. You can use them to set up an infinate variety of positions on the scoperail to mount your scope to perfect ballance on the rifle and eye relief.


With single piece mounts, there's generally no problems but, you are limited to how they mount and fix to the rifle.



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Simon are you on the psychic tea again?


Mary just got some mounts for the HW95, Sportsmatch, 2 piece....


Some one piece mounts do not have enough clearance to hold some scopes as well, the scope winds up proud of the holder due to the bulge in the middle of the tube!

Edited by secretagentmole
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