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Pigeon Decoying On Freshly Drilled Wheat

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I went out to shoot last night at one of my permissions and i had a chat with the farmer, he was saying he has just drilled some wheat and that the crows were hitting it.


So i went up and got set up around 10am and before i had a chance to sit down it started. I stayed until 1230 as i had run out of carts....... i didnt think i would need many going on previous times.


Anyway to end the few hours i was out i accounted for 63 in total, 44 pigeons, 19 crows. Picture shows 57 as 6 were lost in the scrub land behind me.


Very hectic, i think there was a lull for about 5 mins. 100 carts fired and 63 kills, not great but i enjoyed every second! Im sure i could of doubled this bag if i had not of run dry


My biggest bag ever smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


Also had my first ever left and right, and i did this 4 times smile.gif







I have just got back from the same field, same place with 10 more pigeons, and 1 more crow. Not bad for less than 30mins of shooting


Totals 54 Pigeons and 20 Crows

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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Well done great bag I also had a good day yesterday on a wheat stubble shot 223 ,nearly ever bird was jam packed with rapeseed .

And it was not drilled it was old germanated seed off a stubble trying to track the field down now as they must be wacking it.


Keep at it Cookie

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Great work there mate, quick question, when did they start to drill the wheat on your permission? Just wondered as can't get hold of the farmer at mine at the moment. They only grow wheat and veg on my permission and since they cut it all I'm left with is lettuce but can't shoot over it for obvious reasons....


Cheers matey



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