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out last night on one off my new permissions


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went out last night on 1 off my new permissions we had already ferreted it and had 5 out one warren and nothin in the other warrens so it would be intresting to see wht was about at night.we set off around the fields. we approched the gate to the first feild and had a scan around before openin the gate and seen about 4 bunnys sittin out so we carfeully climbed over and walked up on them, switched the lamp on and took aim but they were gone, so walked back up the field to the next feild and had a scan around and seen about 6 bunnys sittin out so we walked up and took aim, i took the first shot with the .22 at about 30 yards crack first bunny in the bag with moved on and my son with the 1.77 had the next shot at about 35 yards but as he shot the rabbit moved and he missed and the others had bugged of so we carried on to the next feild which is about 12 acres as we climbed over the gate there were four bunnys sittin right next to each other about 30 yards away i took the left one with the .22 crack another 1 in the bag the other 2 bunnys ran of but the other 1 stayed so my son took aim and crack another 1. we carried on a short distance up a steep hill and to the left up the top were another 2 bunnys put the lamp on and one was gone straight away but theere other coward down in the grass out 25 yards away so i took aim with the.22 and crack another 1 in the bag carried on and had a scan around seen a bunny on his own about 40 yards aways on the edge of the long and short grassso my son took aim with a 2 mil dot to the left to allow for then wind and crack another one in the bag as we carried on around the field there was too bunnys sittin in the corner one to the left one to the right about 20 yards away from each other and so my soon took the one on the right first cause he was closest to the hedge crack another 1 then turned to the left abit and the other handnt moved abit so he took aim again and crack he got the second one. we completed the walk around tht feild but the others didnt wanna no they were gone so headed for the gate into the next fieldi decied to sit there and have a fag while my sonn had spotted a few bunnys just down the feild so off he went there was four bunnys he bagged 3 of them and missed the other 1.he walked back up to me and we put them in the game bag then we carried on down the field and seen about 10 sittin out we bagged 4 of them and missed some of them got down to the bottom and looked over the water trof for the horses and was a bunny sittin by the fence post so i took aim and crak another 1, short walk along the hedge another one my son took aim crack fliped and ran off lost tht 1, my son went on a walk up the field along the edge row and seen 3rabbits and baged them all went bck to car put guns away and took pic of the final bag 16 altoghter with a few missed and a few lost,but a good nights shootin. :boogy: plenty of bunnys about sayin they had mitsy in the summer months we didnt have any with misty tho so was all good :Dpost-30973-0-73608400-1316537181.jpg

Edited by jocky
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