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rearing pups

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Plenty of good grub and plenty of fresh water and she should be fine...she,ll produce more milk as the pups get older/bigger i would have thought...its mainly colostrum she,s feedin them at the moment to enhance the pups immune system...atb stabba

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2nd litter, you should be in the know, book of the bitch is what you should have gotten prior to breeding



I did not own the bitch for her first litir..this is my first time rearing pups..not every one can know as much as yourself..im looking for info not abuse wasting my time!



didnt you have 63 days to find this stuff out??? an thats from the date of lining.....

what aboot all the time before the mating ye spent researching????


dont try an slate for folk for being honest, your on a public forum asking for advice...... not a good tactic is it, seeing as ye admit ye know fook all :icon_eek:


best of LUCK way the pups, they sure need it :blink:

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Plenty of good red meat: beef, horse, venison, hare. If you are feeding a complete dry food then make sure that it isn't a cheap cereal based food. Look at the ingredients on the side of the bag: the first ingredient listed is the one there is most of. Any food under £30 per 15kilo bag will be cereal based, and a dog needs to eat far more cereals than it does meat to get the same goodness. Feed a complete food where meat is the first ingredient listed, and top up with fresh meat. Feed puppy formula milk if you want, but cow's milk is much too watery to do a dog any good, even if it doesn't give them the shits. Also make sure the bitch is drinking enough. I wouldn't feed a nursing bitch (or any dog for that matter) on dry food. The dog has to drink much more to make up for the dry food as it expands in the stomach. If you feed dry, soak if first for a nursing bitch, and encourage her to drink more by adding milk to her water, or cow's milk on its own if it doesn't upset her stomach. When you consider how much milk she has to produce for the pups, on top of her own daily requirements, a nursing bitch should be drinking at least twice what she normally drinks by the time the pups are a couple of weeks old, even if you feed raw, which contains much more water.


If you feed raw make sure to give chicken or rabbit carcases for the bone content, and breast of lamb for the fat content. Don't give bones to the bitch in the same bed as the pups in case she tries to defend the bones from the pups and kills them: most wouldn't dream of it, but you get the odd bitch who snaps at even young pups if they crawl near her bones. Feed her bones away from the nest, and clear up any remaining food as soon as she has eaten her fill.


You should be feeding her as much as she can eat at one sitting, twice a day until the pups are 14 days old, and maybe 3 times a day from then on until they are weaned.

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2nd litter, you should be in the know, book of the bitch is what you should have gotten prior to breeding



I did not own the bitch for her first litir..this is my first time rearing pups..not every one can know as much as yourself..im looking for info not abuse wasting my time!


2nd owner and 2nd litter.

Poor gal :(

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I had my bitch on beta puppy food prior pups been born and lactol mixed with her water she was fine, then I weaned pups off her at 3 weeks due to there size nice chunky pups, I weaned them off her on scrambled egg, sardines, ready break, I kept two pups back for my own stock and feed them on beta puppy aswell as, raw mince, liver, steak, eggs all bought fresh daily from local butchers costing me £10 per day for two pups money well spend they are looking great atb with pups dave

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2nd litter, you should be in the know, book of the bitch is what you should have gotten prior to breeding



I did not own the bitch for her first litir..this is my first time rearing pups..not every one can know as much as yourself..im looking for info not abuse wasting my time!


2nd owner and 2nd litter.

Poor gal :(


Wonder if he bought the bitch off of terriermanmark :bad:

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