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From Louise Croucher I have just looked on this forum and am totally gobsmacked that a public forum is bing used to slander me i am the person Louise Croucher who won the Midland show with my bitch i

All Bede/whippet/Greys will work if you want em too, RB bred 19 of the 40 odd dogs in the final and as the man sez he bred the four in the final line up, hats off to the man I say.

As the judge in this particular show has said; it's virtualy impossible to tell a "worker" from a "Non-worker". But when alls said and done, the Lurcher show scene is riddled with corruption !! I'm no

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So ..what's it matter the dogs are well feed and looked after who cares what other people are doing ..

To Many people on ere are quick to judge other people. We all should just enjoy the lurcher for what it is weather it be in the ring or on the field each to there own .

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i was one of the 2 lurcher judges at the midlands for the champion lurchers and ive been in to lurchers all my life but would love some smart arse to tell me how to know a lurcher works or not just by judging it in a ring and take it from me no one as ever told me their lurcher doesnt work in all the time ive had lurchers. and tbh it wouldnt make any differance in my decision anyway because all it is at the end of the day is a show ring for the judge to pick which he thinks is the best looking and conditioned dog on the day .and for anyone remotely interested ive never seen the winning dog or owner in my life before or since saturday.

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The bitch is by Roly's fawn rough coated bitch Floss, and my smooth dog Phantom, The 1st placed bitch, is full litter sister to the Chatsworth winner Syrus owned by us is from a repeat mating of this pair. The dogs standing 3rd and 4th are from the first mating. Roly does work his dogs, as do we mine were out daytime rabbiting with the Spaniels yesterday and today. nell harris

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From Louise Croucher

I have just looked on this forum and am totally gobsmacked that a public forum is bing used to slander me i am the person Louise Croucher who won the Midland show with my bitch is this sour grapes i know who the person is slandering me very well indeed and beleived him to be a friend I have had working lurchers for over 20years and foster and help to rehome abandoned and abused lurchers for which i fell proud to do and yes your right i did rehome my dog who won Chatwsworth although i do not need to justify to anybody my reason for this i will he suffered a bad injury and on my vets advice we found him a quiet retirement home it was a hard decision for me to make but it was in the dogs interest and i still have regilar contact with his owners i am deeply hurt and offended that the highs i have for winning the show have now been dampened by one of your forum members i will be complaining to the editor of this site if these comments continue


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rolys bitch floss was bred out of candy to a dog i have here bedywhippet/grey i have flosses sister in my kennels also and both them have been tested on all terrain work the lamp with ferrets longnets and terriers and allways gave there best very easy to be around and never shown me up in the company of others so as for none workers your barking up the wrong tree,if im not mistaken the bitch that won would be majors sister then

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Louise doesnt just foster Lurchers for a rescue in Sussex. She fosters anything that needs somewhere warm and safe. She currently has an ancient old dog that was thrown out onto the sussex streets and she will probably have him with her for the rest of his life.


As for the comments by "Cupid Stunt", i thought your username was a funny joke untilI realised it was just a simple spelling mistake.

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  On 20/09/2011 at 13:36, boyo said:

i was one of the 2 lurcher judges at the midlands for the champion lurchers and ive been in to lurchers all my life but would love some smart arse to tell me how to know a lurcher works or not just by judging it in a ring and take it from me no one as ever told me their lurcher doesnt work in all the time ive had lurchers. and tbh it wouldnt make any differance in my decision anyway because all it is at the end of the day is a show ring for the judge to pick which he thinks is the best looking and conditioned dog on the day .and for anyone remotely interested ive never seen the winning dog or owner in my life before or since saturday.

You and I both know we are going to get the same shit every time J.

Until some one comes up with a proven formula to tell if a dog works or not I am as in the dark as you ,and as you rightly said that is NOT a judges function, his, or hers job, is to select the best dog ,according to its confirmation,condition,and movement. A judge is not there to pick out the best worker ,they are in the ring to pick out the best looking dog END OF.

ps Hope to see you at the Autumn Show.

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