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Fletch, 7 year old bull grey...pics

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as for the badges ect...hes seen plenty mate...hes up as a stud now hes proven him self time and time again...and im full willing to show him working befor the mateing...but will also want to see the

well alls i have to say his this the expeience wherebll crosses are concerned can be seen on this thread 14 mths fo some lines of bull crosses his still a puppy,bull crosses of the right type can be

well alls i have to say his this the expeience wherebll crosses are concerned can be seen on this thread 14 mths fo some lines of bull crosses his still a puppy,bull crosses of the right type can be very sensitive and seem to go later on what they are bred for ,this his not to saythey are in any way inferior to the early developed dog on the contary they are usually far superior at there job in hand .has far has running edible game his concerned roe fallow and in some cases reds and of course big and small rabs all preban of course ,the right type like any other hound saluki deerhound etc ,can be just has lethalon those game. calling a type down or the w nutters dog which bi would take in a flashif she had breeding and iknow she has certainlines throw to a type and i can see this with this bonnie pup,Ihave seen saluki crosses derhound crosses and collie crosses and lets be honest how old are they when they start to get it right mmm, Imyself have had the privelege of seeingbad and on occasions good of all crosse and types but theres one thing i would say about the bull crosses even the poor ones tried to some extent that can not be said of alot of the crosses about to day.atb bunnys.

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  On 18/09/2011 at 13:47, bunnys said:

well alls i have to say his this the expeience wherebll crosses are concerned can be seen on this thread 14 mths fo some lines of bull crosses his still a puppy,bull crosses of the right type can be very sensitive and seem to go later on what they are bred for ,this his not to saythey are in any way inferior to the early developed dog on the contary they are usually far superior at there job in hand .has far has running edible game his concerned roe fallow and in some cases reds and of course big and small rabs all preban of course ,the right type like any other hound saluki deerhound etc ,can be just has lethalon those game. calling a type down or the w nutters dog which bi would take in a flashif she had breeding and iknow she has certainlines throw to a type and i can see this with this bonnie pup,Ihave seen saluki crosses derhound crosses and collie crosses and lets be honest how old are they when they start to get it right mmm, Imyself have had the privelege of seeingbad and on occasions good of all crosse and types but theres one thing i would say about the bull crosses even the poor ones tried to some extent that can not be said of alot of the crosses about to day.atb bunnys.


well said bunnys.... to many jokers on here....i know her breeding very well...can trace the dogs back for many many many moons...lets just say there has been no lemonade been added to the lager of the young pup..

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  On 18/09/2011 at 07:08, welshnutter69 said:

as for the badges ect...hes seen plenty mate...hes up as a stud now hes proven him self time and time again...and im full willing to show him working befor the mateing...but will also want to see the bitch working. i dont fancy him onto any old bullx that scared of the dark :whistling:


hows he bred,any lines to the dog ?

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