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first time with the younguns in an hour


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off to hobble about a small field (stupid foot!!!) on one of teh farms with the young jills, going to take the adult hobs and the dog hopefully show them how to go on.. will try get pics and let yas know how we do :).. very excited :o haha sad!

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Well, was a little dissapointing,, 1 rabbit escaped but thats cos I couldnt move fast enough due to me foot and me dad and dog was over the other side of the field so had no chance... one killed underground that we just couldnt find after digging 3 times, and a rat down a rabbit hole :(.... One of the hobs were to busy pissin about which is unusual because there bloody good workers.. the kits .. well.. one of them was no bother, followed the hobs down the holes.. pretty sure she was with one of the hobs that chased the first rabbit so she defintly saw some action, the other decided to undo everything ive done and bite me.. which i was shocked at as she hasnt bitten me for a long time now, It was very windy and noisy and even though i have them outside almost all day no matter the weather im wondering if it freaked her out a bit.. she was nervous but after a while she was down and being nosey.... after dlgging for the rabbit we both went each side of the warren thinking it was one connecting tunnel, me dad had his down one side and me in another.. my fingers touched his and he started to panic "UGH UGH WHAT WAS THAT!!!!".. me dad "are you sure!?" was a laugh.........the dog was great however!!... PICS>>>



All netted up with the dog on standbuy




Nothing down here!



Who needs a shovel when yav got Reno the amazing digging dog..



Me dad trying to find the killed rabbit with the dog "helping" on the other side...


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