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irish lady

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So any saluki in her?


sorry to but in - first salukis in Ireland landed in Galway - thanks to Brian Duggan and his research


interesting. is this how Pk got the salukis into his kennels and does the strain he has now, come from these ?

so from what i gather, lucas is the name these days and irish lady was a lassie collie x irish terrier? :hmm: O, with a bit of borzoi thrown in? :blink:

i must say, when i seen the lucas dog in the flesh, he was a tidy looking dog so he was. :yes:

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So this is the thing lads lm not one for telling what someone else told me but one of my best mates would argue black was white and when yea ask him did yea see it he says no he told me .A word for so

Bad stutttttter royal lol

was in the ARENA 1995

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been told by very good friend of mine that irish lady was a very good bitch, and that gorger of here has a cracking bitch out of her called shamrock, he said he saw shamrock run over here a few years back and she was killing fives and sixes no problem, i have never seen the bitch run myself but just going by my friend who has been running dogs for many years now and he thinks shamrock was one of the best dogs to come over here from ireland!! :thumbs: any of yous irish lads seen this bitch run?

instead of all the bullshit my friend said . over here yous irish lads ...who are you trying to kid wise up ya fcukn muppet

dont be like that matey :thumbs:

will then stop the bull your probably sitting in gorgers house

i dont know the man personaly but like i said a very good friend seen his bitch shamrock run and from what i have been told, not many better dogs than this bitch over there in ireland matey :thumbs:

Irish lady is on dvd as is a lot more irish dogs we have moved on past the stone age over here lad so all these great dogs this man has and had why not one clip of any of them running .Now your the man this time with this line of shit i have no dought that icey and chusy and thomas and maybe georger and a few more of yer crowneys will be on before tonight so one of ye get just one clip of one of these dogs or any dog ye have and put it up .So that us lesser mortals might know what we have to aspire to since it seems you lads set the standard so high.Even a descent photo of one of them so we know what a real good dog looks like FFS

am i one of these crowneys

Your a bit like yer dad yea just like to give it a big stir every now and then and laugh

why did you not tell him that when you rang him 2 days ago

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been told by very good friend of mine that irish lady was a very good bitch, and that gorger of here has a cracking bitch out of her called shamrock, he said he saw shamrock run over here a few years back and she was killing fives and sixes no problem, i have never seen the bitch run myself but just going by my friend who has been running dogs for many years now and he thinks shamrock was one of the best dogs to come over here from ireland!! :thumbs: any of yous irish lads seen this bitch run?

instead of all the bullshit my friend said . over here yous irish lads ...who are you trying to kid wise up ya fcukn muppet

dont be like that matey :thumbs:

will then stop the bull your probably sitting in gorgers house

i dont know the man personaly but like i said a very good friend seen his bitch shamrock run and from what i have been told, not many better dogs than this bitch over there in ireland matey :thumbs:

Irish lady is on dvd as is a lot more irish dogs we have moved on past the stone age over here lad so all these great dogs this man has and had why not one clip of any of them running .Now your the man this time with this line of shit i have no dought that icey and chusy and thomas and maybe georger and a few more of yer crowneys will be on before tonight so one of ye get just one clip of one of these dogs or any dog ye have and put it up .So that us lesser mortals might know what we have to aspire to since it seems you lads set the standard so high.Even a descent photo of one of them so we know what a real good dog looks like FFS

am i one of these crowneys

Your a bit like yer dad yea just like to give it a big stir every now and then and laugh

why did you not tell him that when you rang him 2 days ago

does your daddy know your posting on here

Edited by Hunter man
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So any saluki in her?


sorry to but in - first salukis in Ireland landed in Galway - thanks to Brian Duggan and his research


interesting. is this how Pk got the salukis into his kennels and does the strain he has now, come from these ?

so from what i gather, lucas is the name these days and irish lady was a lassie collie x irish terrier? :hmm: O, with a bit of borzoi thrown in? :blink:

i must say, when i seen the lucas dog in the flesh, he was a tidy looking dog so he was. :yes:

Now how anyone can take that from what was said might explain a lot of what happens in the dog world if you could tell us how yea came up with that IRISH LADY bit As for king getting into salukis the first dog he got with saluki in its make up was a fawn dog called luke came from ginger french lines .Maybe you could say any real good yea seen running good man that we might know what were looking for

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So any saluki in her?


sorry to but in - first salukis in Ireland landed in Galway - thanks to Brian Duggan and his research


interesting. is this how Pk got the salukis into his kennels and does the strain he has now, come from these ?

so from what i gather, lucas is the name these days and irish lady was a lassie collie x irish terrier? :hmm: O, with a bit of borzoi thrown in? :blink:

i must say, when i seen the lucas dog in the flesh, he was a tidy looking dog so he was. :yes:

lucas is prob a good dog but to put him in the same bracket as irish lady and what she has contributed to lurchers in ireland your really having a laugh i think lucas has been blown up through his advertising team and as i said hes prob a good dog but im sure theres alot better about whos producing good running dogs

Edited by Hunter man
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Heres a question yous lads might be able to answer how did ye rate kellys 3 dogs that won the irish comps in england im sure ye all seen the tapes

How come when i ask a question it always seems to be the wrong one and i never get the thanks mate or thats great mate or no prob bud

i never heard of the kellys dogs speedie are the on u tube

No but they will be soon and he won the irish comp 3 times with 3 diffrent dogs so he must have done something wright. It was ran on knocton fen in england before the ban on 1/st 2/nd or 3/th of feb for 4 years

sound like good dogmen is these dogs there own breeding

Na the dogs were breed by the one and only P.K but J.K is a good dog man and it seems his son is aswell he won the irish comp last season on dvd as well FUNNY THAT

oh were was the county antrim champions

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So any saluki in her?


sorry to but in - first salukis in Ireland landed in Galway - thanks to Brian Duggan and his research

the dogs were show strain and was 30 years ago think there was working salukies in ireland before them

we had a first cross in 1980 im sure there were plenty before that

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been told by very good friend of mine that irish lady was a very good bitch, and that gorger of here has a cracking bitch out of her called shamrock, he said he saw shamrock run over here a few years back and she was killing fives and sixes no problem, i have never seen the bitch run myself but just going by my friend who has been running dogs for many years now and he thinks shamrock was one of the best dogs to come over here from ireland!! :thumbs: any of yous irish lads seen this bitch run?

instead of all the bullshit my friend said . over here yous irish lads ...who are you trying to kid wise up ya fcukn muppet

dont be like that matey :thumbs:

will then stop the bull your probably sitting in gorgers house

i dont know the man personaly but like i said a very good friend seen his bitch shamrock run and from what i have been told, not many better dogs than this bitch over there in ireland matey :thumbs:

Irish lady is on dvd as is a lot more irish dogs we have moved on past the stone age over here lad so all these great dogs this man has and had why not one clip of any of them running .Now your the man this time with this line of shit i have no dought that icey and chusy and thomas and maybe georger and a few more of yer crowneys will be on before tonight so one of ye get just one clip of one of these dogs or any dog ye have and put it up .So that us lesser mortals might know what we have to aspire to since it seems you lads set the standard so high.Even a descent photo of one of them so we know what a real good dog looks like FFS

am i one of these crowneys

Your a bit like yer dad yea just like to give it a big stir every now and then and laugh

why did you not tell him that when you rang him 2 days ago

does your daddy know your posting on here

does yours

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Heres a question yous lads might be able to answer how did ye rate kellys 3 dogs that won the irish comps in england im sure ye all seen the tapes

How come when i ask a question it always seems to be the wrong one and i never get the thanks mate or thats great mate or no prob bud

i never heard of the kellys dogs speedie are the on u tube

No but they will be soon and he won the irish comp 3 times with 3 diffrent dogs so he must have done something wright. It was ran on knocton fen in england before the ban on 1/st 2/nd or 3/th of feb for 4 years

sound like good dogmen is these dogs there own breeding

Na the dogs were breed by the one and only P.K but J.K is a good dog man and it seems his son is aswell he won the irish comp last season on dvd as well FUNNY THAT

oh were was the county antrim champions

im sure yea will get an answer when the lads look at it now

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suprised that the brightest mind on the site had no comment on this (icey yea genious) no comment

Dont really care about irish lady and where she came from and what breed she was if she was good at her job and though good pups that is all that counts in my eyes.

at the end off the day king has that many dogs penned together anything could be the sire off the pups he breeds

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