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I use old clothes for the ferrets bedding,they are free and can be washed and the ferrets also love to sleep inside them.Anyway what am wondering would a boil wash (95 degree celsius) be enough to kill off any ticks?

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lol am staying at ma mums the now,last time the machine got choked with sawdust..couldnt believe the colour of the the clothes,durty wee fuckers :D all washed now,saved a few £ on bedding then.thanks for replys

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haha.. I got bollocked off my misses cos I found some "old" pillow case in the towel draw (her fault for putting it there)... cut it up and threw it in for the ferrets... she went in and all I heard was "WHAT THE **** is my pillow case doing in there!!" .. i said.. oh yea found it in the towel draw so figured it was used as a cloth.. turns out. this pillow case was from some really expensive set .. anyways ive got the whole bed sheet now cos in her strop she threw it at me and said i might aswell have that... so i gave up washing stuff and now just throw it away and cut something else up :p

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I've always used straw, I was told years ago, that hay harbours mites/ticks etc. I don't know whether there is any truth in this.


I quite like the old clothes idea, if I run out of straw. Shredded paper is another good one but I find it hard to get hold of, because I dont have a shredder.

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I use either hay, straw or shredded paper if I haven't got any hay or straw. When using hay they come out warm as toast even when it's proper freezing! I think you're right though, if the ferret has fleas they'll thrive in hay, but if they don't have them they won't be there to thrive. I change my hay once a week and never had any problem with fleas, to be honest I've never had a ferret with fleas, not sure why??


I once had hay in my kennel though and one of my cats kept sleeping in there when the dog wasn't there. The cat must have put fleas in there because one day all of a sudden it was alive with fleas, and I mean alive with them!

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Hay or straw both have hollow stalks and could both harbor unwanted guests , I use blankets for the dogs and could wash them at work for £2 and dry them for a £1 but i just bin them and renew them . i still believe the easiest way is shavings take a shovelful out the feces corner every day and totally clean the hutch out weekly and i still have two black bags full every fortnight when the council bin gets emptied

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