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Pup won't eat

Guest borntoevade1988

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Guest borntoevade1988

I have got a dog at 18 weeks old and he won't eat his food I have tried tuna and he ateit today and tonight won't eat it I tried gravey on his food he still won't eat his food anybody got any better ideas plz cuz I am geting a bit worried now I carnt leave him in the Kennal with my other dog cause he will eat his food so I been feeding him in the Kitchen and leaving him half our 45 min and he still won't eat his food he's on gain 28 than

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As long as he has a clean bill of health from the vet, dont be afraid to withhold food for 12 hours. Its easy to create a fussy eater (pup). Starving him will not kill him, it should set him back on the right track. Be persistant, he wont starve himself to death !

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Guest borntoevade1988

I left him no food for 12 hours and he still won't eat so so I left him 24 and he ate a pint and half before I had him he was eating 3 big bowls a day I have had him 3 days I am going to worm him next week he's due I will use milbromex awsume wormer

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When mine was a pup he had an episode where he refused to eat for 3 days. Mixing a bit of honey into his water bowl encouraged him to drink but he wouldn't take solid food. On day 4 he sicked up a still whole fox turd and that sorted him right out! As an added bonus he's never eaten sh*t since.

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  On 14/09/2011 at 19:44, borntoevade1988 said:

I have got a dog at 18 weeks old and he won't eat his food I have tried tuna and he ateit today and tonight won't eat it I tried gravey on his food he still won't eat his food anybody got any better ideas plz cuz I am geting a bit worried now I carnt leave him in the Kennal with my other dog cause he will eat his food so I been feeding him in the Kitchen and leaving him half our 45 min and he still won't eat his food he's on gain 28 than

dogs can only function on 1 level at a time, you leave a sensitive dog into a boarding kennel for a few days and chances are he wont eat for them few days, because he not referencing him gut ,he's all in his mind or out of his mind with worry, its stress basically,,its it exactly the same with people ,highly stressed people wont eat,

a dog in drive wont reference his gut either, same principle, because he to is all in his head,,

as the man said let him settle in ,dont overpower him with attention,its only going to make things worse in the short term,

once he feels relaxed in his new surrounding things will improve,

let him make all the moves ,let him make contact with you of his own free will, the eating will just happen as a consequence of him feeling safe in his environment,,

at the minute ,when his gut is overpowering his stress,he eats,,its the same with all animals, hunger can overpower fear, until the next time you try feeding him and he's back to referencing his head ,which is fear,, let him chill out there and dont pressure him ,he'll come round,,

best of luck,,

Edited by Casso
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Guest borntoevade1988

pup still wont eat propably my other dog is grate with him he only growls at him if he goes near his food other than that hes ok so i feed the pup in the house and he still wont eat he eats half a bowl and thats it he use to eat 3 bowls a day when he was with my mate

wont eat nothing all day then so i carnt understand him lol he was full of beans when my mate had him i havnt smacked him or nuthing its realy strange neva had a dog like this lol any one help please

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