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What's stopping the Govenment from sorting this Country out

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As above.


We have so many undesirables in Britian why doesn't the Govenment do something to sort the mess out. The majority of people want them out, so whats stopping the Govenment ??


Capital Punishment. The same again, no one i talk to has issues about the Death penalty. If a Referendum was held tomorrow, i'm pretty sure it would get a majority backing by the public. So again, why wont it ever be brought back.


Political correctness, the same.


The list goes on and on.






.................................Anyone ??

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Human rights unfortunately mate, they have to stick to the law thats higher up, I would love for mass deportation, getting out of the EU, Capital punishment, National Service and the death penalty.


But unfortunately people think our government are in charge when really they have to listen to the EU and things so there is no chance this country will be sorted out.

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Human rights unfortunately mate, they have to stick to the law thats higher up, I would love for mass deportation, getting out of the EU, Capital punishment, National Service and the death penalty.


But unfortunately people think our government are in charge when really they have to listen to the EU and things so there is no chance this country will be sorted out.



The EU is another thing. What is this Country scared of ?? The French (Love them or hate them) they look after themselves, why can't we.

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...I think a big part of the problem is people the politicians start of with the best of intent to improve the UK, but to stay in their job they end up conforming and get used to the easy money/job benefits and very quickly all their ideals go out of the window and it becomes about doing and saying whatever it takes to stay in their position of authority......sad but true.

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Human rights have ruined common sense


If you highjack a plane at stanstead airport and hold it to ransom surely you would expect a lengthy jail term, not if you play the human rights card, you get a car, a house a load of cash.


If you were so fu*ked up that you shouted your mouth off in protest aimed towards people greiving loved ones from 9/11 or our dead war hero's being driven through wooton basset you would expect to have your head smashed in by a mass crowd of proud englishmen, not a chance you get police protection and freedom of speech.


The countries gone now, I argued with my dad 15 years ago that we were a country who helped people in need, he saidyou wait there will be civil war I now believe what he said to be true, we're mugs and we've been mugged off by our goverments for years.

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