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Capheaton terrier


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What a load of old shite  <_<


They want it Reg at the kc, yeah right, why,money and the breeders own self importance and ego. Bred from a tinkers dog LMAO....



took the words right out of my mouth :11:


I'm always very wary about people creating new breeds. Look at the lads who have been breeding terriers for donkeys years....Nuttall, Gould, Middleton etc etc you don't see a Nuttall Terrier or a Middleton Terrier looking for KC recognition do you. That's because KC recognition has F*CK ALL to do with work. There are KC breeds that work, but invariably this recognition came some time ago. It adds nothing to a working breed. When I started reading that gumph I was impressed that work was in the forefront of the description, but if they really are in it for the work, then all that separate name shite and kc recognition is unnecessary. We all know the lines that are good, not because we are told this by a breed description, but because we see the dogs doing the business. Those red dogs in that photo might be good working dogs, but let the dogs do the talking and not the propaganda.


Anyway, I'm off now to muck out the "Stabsville Terriers" :11:

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SAme thing happened in this years in southern tuscany where someone wanted to give Kc recognition to the local boarshounds only to have is pocket full and calling them "segugio maremmano".these people has selected dogs that are fair different from old local lines and are ruining their hard working reputation :realmad:

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An age old breed bred since 1988.....I have been breeding terriers off the same lines since 1981, My dad has had the current breeding in some form since early 1970's....does that mean we can register them too?



The world has gone mad..



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