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what would you do??

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the dog must be the alpha male in ur house well he thinks he is ,, u can expect an odd bite from many of terriers when there in full steam on there game but if a dog bites u because u get to close to him in the house ,,im sorry but its lights out if that dog done serious damage to a child u be sorry u didnt put him down months ago

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the way i see it is imagine it would have bitten your son in the face???your running the risk of it keeping the dog,any of my dogs show aggression towards me or my family its good night vienna.

Heres a dog i had to put to sleep last season, i had just bolted one with him and had dug him again at three foot or so, when i broke through there was two tubes coming away full of shite. I passed th

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  On 14/09/2011 at 19:09, happydigger said:

that`s a fair comment mudd dog thats a road i might look down they would be a trial wi this dog of corse if i decide to take that route

LOL...ill give him this ,,, this kids good..... there a half bred nick stevens dog for sale men..... hes done 2 digs and done well on them but when the wee f****r hyped up he will nip you.....owner cant handle so forces sale trial given of course..... AM I THE ONLY 1 SPOTTED THIS???? :hmm: :hmm: [bANNED TEXT] HAPPY SO MUCH HE FOR SALE FOR HA ...... :yes: :yes: :yes:

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some of these comments are a laugh!! i used to have a half bred ns dog here a real good worker and great with kids he d play all day with them but he didnt like adults male or female, he was a proper one man dog he was great with me but hated anybody else so we took precortions so people didnt get biten, out diggin he had the odd nip of anybody in his way but we coped , a lot of people would have shot him but you have to tune into the dog and get his respect then you have a chance of doing something with him

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f*****g dog would only have to snap at one of my kids once and it'd be the last no matter how good a dog it was..


Your kids are what you were put on this earth for and you are failing as a parent if you fail to address a danger to them about the house. I can't even believe you'd start a f*****g thread on a forum about it. If one of my dogs bit one of my kids for any reason in the world, then it's 100% my failing as the kids parent and the dogs master. I'd be far too ashamed to start a thread on here saying I was thinking about keeping the dog. I mean, what the f**k are you hoping to gain, it already sounds like you've made your mind up what you're doing with the dog..

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  On 15/09/2011 at 12:13, Malt said:

f*****g dog would only have to snap at one of my kids once and it'd be the last no matter how good a dog it was..


Your kids are what you were put on this earth for and you are failing as a parent if you fail to address a danger to them about the house. I can't even believe you'd start a f*****g thread on a forum about it. If one of my dogs bit one of my kids for any reason in the world, then it's 100% my failing as the kids parent and the dogs master. I'd be far too ashamed to start a thread on here saying I was thinking about keeping the dog. I mean, what the f**k are you hoping to gain, it already sounds like you've made your mind up what you're doing with the dog..



Theres also no need for your dog to be around young kids, get the c**t in a kennal out the way

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there is too many terriers out there awready being dug to week in week out for years on end, too make any sorta excuses aboot an unsound dog biting folk, an keeping it cos it works ffs.....


come on guys, they digging dogs, an aye granted they are probs the hardest off all terriers to come by, but they are out there....



there is no excuse for letting a dog bite a kid, never mind 2 fooking kids and an adult.... worker or not...

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Malt summed it up for me perfectly, and only a complete idiot would sell this dog on with a trial, i guess we all have different morals but i couldn't sleep at night if one of mine bit a child, especially if i had sold it on knowing it was a biter........

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  On 15/09/2011 at 12:18, .terrier man. said:
  On 15/09/2011 at 12:13, Malt said:

f*****g dog would only have to snap at one of my kids once and it'd be the last no matter how good a dog it was..


Your kids are what you were put on this earth for and you are failing as a parent if you fail to address a danger to them about the house. I can't even believe you'd start a f*****g thread on a forum about it. If one of my dogs bit one of my kids for any reason in the world, then it's 100% my failing as the kids parent and the dogs master. I'd be far too ashamed to start a thread on here saying I was thinking about keeping the dog. I mean, what the f**k are you hoping to gain, it already sounds like you've made your mind up what you're doing with the dog..



Theres also no need for your dog to be around young kids, get the c**t in a kennal out the way

The only thing i agree with you on is the dog should be in the kennel. How can you keep children away from the kennel and be guarenteed they wont go near it. What happens if the dog gets out and attacks a child. Its actually quite scary knowing some people will keep a dog even thought they know that they are a man biter......the mind boggles.. :icon_eek:

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wow never thought there would be this much interest in last nights post.my son whom the dog bit,is 14 yrs old and dug more in them years than half of the computer hunters on here!!! 2nd point the dog was in the back hole with the door shut when the neighbour opened it,the dog bolted and they grabbed him to which he nipped them. There was no young children involved and in hind sight i should have made that clear before posting this topic yesterday,my children mean more to me than any fcuking dog!!!!! fact my children are aged between 13 and 15 and have been round working dogs all there life!!!! but thankyou to those decent people on here what posted genuine advice and not the idiots who turned my innocent post into a forum of slagging and bitching!!! and has for me palming the dog off onto unsuspecting people and passing the problem on!!! i have a conscience and after this post went on here last night ive had numerous inbox messages off people wanting to buy it,thats were the comment came from about the trial!!!



thanks once again for yr comments!!!

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  On 15/09/2011 at 15:12, happydigger said:

wow never thought there would be this much interest in last nights post.my son whom the dog bit,is 14 yrs old and dug more in them years than half of the computer hunters on here!!! 2nd point the dog was in the back hole with the door shut when the neighbour opened it,the dog bolted and they grabbed him to which he nipped them. There was no young children involved and in hind sight i should have made that clear before posting this topic yesterday,my children mean more to me than any fcuking dog!!!!! fact my children are aged between 13 and 15 and have been round working dogs all there life!!!! but thankyou to those decent people on here what posted genuine advice and not the idiots who turned my innocent post into a forum of slagging and bitching!!! and has for me palming the dog off onto unsuspecting people and passing the problem on!!! i have a conscience and after this post went on here last night ive had numerous inbox messages off people wanting to buy it,thats were the comment came from about the trial!!!



thanks once again for yr comments!!!

bold statement , well just sort the dog out i would,nt have to ask for advice

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