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Citycroft whippets

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Does anybody have the number for citycroft whippets? I'm trying to order a coat off them and can't get hold of them.


Also does anybody know where I can buy a whippet coat for a younger dog? I know they are easy to get hold of but citycroft sell them for pups and I'm after a smaller one.



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The pups broke her leg and when she has her cast off in a couple of weeks she won't be doing any exercise for a while and when she can she will be going for slow walks. The weather here is getting pretty bad and the snow last year was unbelievable. When she's running about etc she won't need one but would benefit from one while she will be out but not doing enough to heat herself up

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its hardly a silly thing to be doing when the pups been lay up with a stookie on keeping its leg warm and swetty the hair could also be thinned down also after a break like she has had she as lee states wont be doing any heavy excersise so wont be keeping her temp up as a normal dog running about would be. I would try looking for an italian greyhound one mate should fit her as good as any puppy coat would for the time being and mite be easyer to find one .

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