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Broken Toe

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While lamping on Friday night my 7 year old bitch broke her toe while running along side a stane dyke,the toe is on her back right foot and its the 2nd toe in from the outside. Had her at the vet Sat morning, vet said toe was broke close to the first joint and could probably heal well enough for the bitch to continue running, I have my own reservations about this advice but never having had this injury before I'm undecided as to have the toe off or see how it heals. Taking the bitches age into consideration I'm looking for opinions Thanks for reading

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the norm is to pick up a bottle of iodine(antiseptic type liquid) and gently apply to toe 3 days on 3days off for about two weeks ,the toe will swell and allow biood to surrond the break or injury and help it heal dont worry about the toe going bald ,as is part of the process end result will be a good one, done it many times down the years ,do not remove the toe no need this and rest wll do the job (won many races after this treatment no looking back) all the best.

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My bitch did something similar a few years ago. Saw the vet, bound the foot, rested her for 6 weeks and never looked back - was as good as new and she ran all types of ground with no problem. I wouldn't have the toe off unless it was a last resort, you're changing the structure of the foot.

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Toe on the hind foot is less troublesome than a broken toe on the front foot: all the pressure from turning and reaching goes on the front feet, whereas the hind feet are more for propulsion. Providing the break is clean, and that the bone doesn't get infected, it should heal OK. I've known lots of dogs with damaged or missing hind toes and it doesn't really affect them in the field, providing you don't run the dog on rock hard, lumpy ground: hard plough for example. Mind you, running on hard plough is likely to break toes in the first place!

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yea have two opions one leave the toe on and blister it or rub any type of shit yea like on it but it will take 6 weeks to heal up or down ,Or yea can have it taking off and she will be walking on it in 2 weeks and yea most likely get the season with her as she is 7 cant see the point in a long lay of but just my opinion,Good luck with her what ever yea decide to do but if it were me id have it taken off and have her back running in 4 or 5 weeks

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I would take the vets advice, do everything by the book regards to rest and recoup then bring back to fitness. if it breaks again i wouldnt hesitate in having it removed, had a racing dog wich shatterd two left back toes beyond repair had to be removed this did affect performance but he still had many races. i would try and save the toe give the vet the benefit off doubt.

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