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  On 20/09/2011 at 19:23, oznblue said:

Well i aint guna be taking any tumbles dotty but like has bin said already mate u wana watch who u spout ur mouth of too cos one of these days u gunna bump into one of them and ull regret it





still a puppy peddlin mug :whistling:

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Yeah accidental matings happen, and you get the bitch jabbed and there isn`t a problem if the bitch whelps any pups cull to one or two and not have the nutrition that a 13 month old bitch should be ut

theres no need for all this shite. people that argue on here are hardly gonna meet up because all they would do is fight. people shouldnt have to prove their worth through their dogs. im the same on h

thats how a bitch that age should look, not wae saggy tits an 10 pups hanging off her you fooking mug

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  On 20/09/2011 at 19:26, DottyDoo said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 19:23, oznblue said:

Well i aint guna be taking any tumbles dotty but like has bin said already mate u wana watch who u spout ur mouth of too cos one of these days u gunna bump into one of them and ull regret it





still a puppy peddlin mug :whistling:


Dotty you're like a pit on a fresh bone. It doesn't really matter if it was an accident or if he wants to sell them for money as long as he tells all the important details and gives a good price then hopefully this accident won't happen again. I'm sure if it does you will be here long before me. :thumbs:

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  On 20/09/2011 at 19:52, fcuktheban said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 19:26, DottyDoo said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 19:23, oznblue said:

Well i aint guna be taking any tumbles dotty but like has bin said already mate u wana watch who u spout ur mouth of too cos one of these days u gunna bump into one of them and ull regret it





still a puppy peddlin mug :whistling:


Dotty you're like a pit on a fresh bone. It doesn't really matter if it was an accident or if he wants to sell them for money as long as he tells all the important details and gives a good price then hopefully this accident won't happen again. I'm sure if it does you will be here long before me. :thumbs:



if only you were a female then we could make peddlin detecting kids :laugh::whistling:

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  On 20/09/2011 at 19:55, DottyDoo said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 19:52, fcuktheban said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 19:26, DottyDoo said:
  On 20/09/2011 at 19:23, oznblue said:

Well i aint guna be taking any tumbles dotty but like has bin said already mate u wana watch who u spout ur mouth of too cos one of these days u gunna bump into one of them and ull regret it





still a puppy peddlin mug :whistling:


Dotty you're like a pit on a fresh bone. It doesn't really matter if it was an accident or if he wants to sell them for money as long as he tells all the important details and gives a good price then hopefully this accident won't happen again. I'm sure if it does you will be here long before me. :thumbs:



if only you were a female then we could make peddlin detecting kids :laugh::whistling:

Who said I wasn't :whistling:

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Call me a peddler call me what u want i aint realy intrested one litter accidentaly if that makes me a peddler then thats what i am tell u what ill let u no when my bitch is fit. And ill match u for the some of ur choice but well sort are difrences man to man be for we run instead of bitchin behind a screen now thats my offer to u

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  On 20/09/2011 at 22:52, oznblue said:

Call me a peddler call me what u want i aint realy intrested one litter accidentaly if that makes me a peddler then thats what i am tell u what ill let u no when my bitch is fit. And ill match u for the some of ur choice but well sort are difrences man to man be for we run instead of bitchin behind a screen now thats my offer to u


It looks like Dotty already gave you the same offer a few posts back so I'm sure he's still alright with it.

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  On 21/09/2011 at 10:06, oznblue said:

well if u was reading the thread carefully and properly youd no dotty revoked his offer so im not sure it is ? but there agaiin u read what u want any way whats up whith work u seem to be on here alot through the day


What's up with work for you? I'm self employed and work on the pc often. I still get out there and work my dogs regularly :thumbs:

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f**k me i can taste the testosterone in this thread, in my humble opinion no bitch of that age should be having a litter, its not physically ready, mentally ready and has certainly not proved anything in the field. Accidents happen, my forst season dog got to my 5 year old bitch, MY fault, and it cost me £80 at the vets to have her jabbed, BUT thats MY responsibility, there is no excuse not to have it done. As the bitch was allowed to have the litter the responsible thing to do was to gift the pups as has been mentioned, selling them is a dispicable act in my eyes and the gumtree add looks like a con, i sincerely hope you would inform prospective buyers about the nature of the mating, £150 for a pup, thats a shocking price. As for all the Jean Claude Van Damme style posts well thats just silly and i think you are pissed as you know what you have done is wrong and you are embarresed about it, at least i hope thats what it is and you dont really believe what you have done with the breeding and then trying to sell the pups is morally correct...................

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he is at work hes a scaffolder so he does know what hard work his sorry ftb but working on a pc is not hard work after reading all this crap on his huntinglife profile he made another mistake he forgot to log out you all call yourself lurcher men hunting men whatever he makes one mistake and get ridiculed for it do you know the grandparents of your dogs and the ages they were bred a dog is good as you make it not what its bred out of. You go on about culling a litter of pups thats is just heartless the pups didnt ask to be born and dont deserve to be killed the injection is not guaranteed to work and you only have a certain time to have the injection we have had dogs a lot of years lurchers and terriers mistakes do happen very often his only mistake was being honest about it. Oh after all your comments you might like to know the bitch is very well and looking after her pups very well

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  On 21/09/2011 at 12:35, Simoman said:
f**k me i can taste the testosterone in this thread, in my humble opinion no bitch of that age should be having a litter, its not physically ready, mentally ready and has certainly not proved anything in the field. Accidents happen, my forst season dog got to my 5 year old bitch, MY fault, and it cost me £80 at the vets to have her jabbed, BUT thats MY responsibility, there is no excuse not to have it done. As the bitch was allowed to have the litter the responsible thing to do was to gift the pups as has been mentioned, selling them is a dispicable act in my eyes and the gumtree add looks like a con, i sincerely hope you would inform prospective buyers about the nature of the mating, £150 for a pup, thats a shocking price. As for all the Jean Claude Van Damme style posts well thats just silly and i think you are pissed as you know what you have done is wrong and you are embarresed about it, at least i hope thats what it is and you dont really believe what you have done with the breeding and then trying to sell the pups is morally correct...................
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  On 21/09/2011 at 12:48, oznblue said:

he is at work hes a scaffolder so he does know what hard work his sorry ftb but working on a pc is not hard work after reading all this crap on his huntinglife profile he made another mistake he forgot to log out you all call yourself lurcher men hunting men whatever he makes one mistake and get ridiculed for it do you know the grandparents of your dogs and the ages they were bred a dog is good as you make it not what its bred out of. You go on about culling a litter of pups thats is just heartless the pups didnt ask to be born and dont deserve to be killed the injection is not guaranteed to work and you only have a certain time to have the injection we have had dogs a lot of years lurchers and terriers mistakes do happen very often his only mistake was being honest about it. Oh after all your comments you might like to know the bitch is very well and looking after her pups very well


no whats heartless and cruel is bringing a load of pups from unproven parents,to be kicked from pillar to post,then eventually could end up in the hands of some heartless c**t,who when finds out the dog is no good.boots out into the street or hangs it from a bridge.or some other similar disgusting act.they best thing to be done is abort the pregnancy or cull them.

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  On 21/09/2011 at 12:48, oznblue said:

he is at work hes a scaffolder so he does know what hard work his sorry ftb but working on a pc is not hard work after reading all this crap on his huntinglife profile he made another mistake he forgot to log out you all call yourself lurcher men hunting men whatever he makes one mistake and get ridiculed for it do you know the grandparents of your dogs and the ages they were bred a dog is good as you make it not what its bred out of. You go on about culling a litter of pups thats is just heartless the pups didnt ask to be born and dont deserve to be killed the injection is not guaranteed to work and you only have a certain time to have the injection we have had dogs a lot of years lurchers and terriers mistakes do happen very often his only mistake was being honest about it. Oh after all your comments you might like to know the bitch is very well and looking after her pups very well



so your his wife i take it :hmm:


you hit the nail on the head, he made a mistake........


he has had this pointed out umpteen times in past few days, so i should hope he knows ffs


but an there is a but....


not only is he still selling the pups, after being slated for selling the pups pn here for 100 he then goes an advertises on gumtree for 150 ffs


fae where im sitting he aint trying to rectify his mistake, he is making it worse....


lets be honest, totally honest, 10 pups = 150 each is 1500


will yous learn by your mistakes once the 1500 quid is spent :laugh:



do the decent thing, gift the pups to decent dogmen, an hope for the best, fook the money yees have spent on litter, call it the prce ye pay for making an standing by such a silly mistake ;)

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no im not his wife im his mother who happens to be looking after the bitch and the pups you a big dog man are you can you tell me your dog or bitch whatever you have grandparents ages you are all trying to say the pups are no good because the dogs are bred out of a pup well we ve had dogs a long time as far as im aware you dont breed dogs when they first come into season this was not the bitches first season anyway plus the breeding was accidental but it still cost a ruddy fortune to rear the pups most of the pups are going to people we know free of charge

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