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injury's while in the field

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Just got f****d in the head by an electric fence the other day,, post about it on the ferret section,,   Thought I`d been hit in the heed wi a hammer !!!!

Got caught in a stampede of young bullocks I was like a ball in a pinball machine....broke 3 ribs one time having a swing with my right leg at a bunny when my old bitch ploughed into me from behind an

to myself, been hit in the shin by a madman swinging a spade, (you know who you are!) bent down to retrieve a ferret and got a nettle to the eyeball, climbing a barbed fence and my daft mate decided to climb at samee time, so when he put weight onn the top strand, it drew it through my palm, jarred my knee legging it from a farmer, knew the burn was somewhere about hit the other side, sat there in agony for about 20 minutes, most stupid thing ive done is whilst recovering from a broken foot i had one of those hard boots you strap your foot in, got asked to go out with the air rifles so off with the correction boot and on with the wellies, walking the permission and squeeked a fox in my mate had his wee terrier with him, slipped the terrier(lol) and it grabbed charlie by the arse only for it to spin round and lock onto the terrier, i run down the banking into the field and volleyed reynard in the heid.........6weeks with a proper stookie on.

other people i know, bitten on the clemmys by a rabbit whilst trying to hold lamp and neck it, saw someone piss on an electric fence (funny) someone grab hold of an electric fence with both hands, same lad missed a rat in the pig shed i managed to land a volley on it and put a purple bruise on his hamstring muscle, sure theres more but cant remember them just now.

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My mate out lamping with a 70lb lurcher slipped her on a rabbit she toot it up the hedge about 40 yds turned it back strait at him he lamped the rabbit as it came past him the dog hit him at full tilt in the side of his knees sending him around like a cattering wheel, battery was on a strap swang around at speed and came to a very sudden stop right on top of his head , the impact broke the dogs back . The mate he was with heard the impact 100 yds away , when he got to him he was covered in blood with a split right across his head . Not the best night.

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best topic yet on thl made me laugh went out whith a irish lad 1 night to a farm he was using a 22lr for rats i went lamping whith the dogs after a few hours retured to farm found him pished full of stella on leaving the farm his 22lr went off in my jeep and straight up my hand and i had to drive 3 hours to hospital needless to say our freindship ended after that and a 2 hour op and 18 stiches il never forget he did comp me finationtially thow to keep my mouth shut in hosp or he would have got the nick hadent i changed the story for all gunshots are recorded buy the old bill teached me a leason never go hunting way a drinker ever stupid c**t :bye:

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  On 13/09/2011 at 20:25, hullhunter said:

shot my self in the foot.

had a laugh at that .when i was younger me and a mate were ratting we had 1 under a old bath 2 runs 1the dogs were at so said to him if 1 comes out shoot it . natural instinct it popped out i tried to stand on it as he fired strait through ma foot .

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Guest annette jackman
  On 15/09/2011 at 11:46, leary420 said:
  On 15/09/2011 at 09:56, annette jackman said:
  On 15/09/2011 at 09:24, leary420 said:

out lamping one night needed a piss didnt check where i was pissing pissed on an electric fence


yup scared everyting around with the roar i let out

Bet you did, bit more careful where you go now

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