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Day Old Chicks


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Over the past several year's i have been getting them from honey brook at a cost of around £28 for 2 x boxes which have 200 in a box..i did not mi9nd paying that for them as i only go through 2 boxes a season..but i have just went to order a batch for the coming season and it is going to cost me £35 or maybe more as they have added 20% vat on them..


What i need to know is they anywhere around the north east area where i can get them a bit cheaper..

Cheer's.. :thumbs:

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Must admit they would come in handy expecially the quail in the breeding season. just got 34 bunnies off a keeper down here but some look a bit suspect as to how they was shot, some have definitely been hit with a rimmy but some others look like a shotty job, if I find any lead shot they'll all be ferret food..........

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