bunnys 1,228 Posted September 11, 2011 Report Share Posted September 11, 2011 mmm good topic here i tend to lean on hedz principles ,a dog for me needs also to fit with me in every way Dogs bred for purpose of a specific task and fall short i am afraid are a cull to me ,now one can throw ther hands in the air but believe me this his how i believe and was brought up to keep stock .dogs that have had a good hard working career are the ones that should be taking the easy life in retirement . Isuppose theres those that are against cull thats there perogative ,An experienced eye can see when a dog needs a few weeks flat time just to recharge the enthusiasm ,and bring back .TO find a bitch thats worked over a period of five seasons plus put back to a good sire of the same ilk his like rocking horse shit these days but 30yrs ago this his how it was ,less shit lower cull.atb bunnys. 1 Quote Link to post
hedz31 1,308 Posted September 11, 2011 Report Share Posted September 11, 2011 How many of the folks on here that wont cull have bred from there dogs that they know have jacked ran half hearted and failed ? and did ye sell the pups ? how many of ye were completly honest with the folks that bought the pups ill have a guess that all of ye were do any of ye not belive that just maybe the reason theres so much shite out there is because folks breed of dogs that were average and below average but because the dogs were much loved family companions as well as workers there faults were overlooked and because ye wanted a pup outta dear old daisy before she died because she was such a sweet natured animal ye decided to take a litter keep a pup and sell the rest on, and just because ye loved dear old daisy and ye didnt want to hurt her feelings ye told folks that came for a pup she was the best dog ye have ever owned,my feeling is that the reasons above atribute to about 50% of the shite thats out there now the other 50% of the shite just comes from pure peddlars and bullshit artists, my belief is culling is a neccesary part of good stockmanship and should be carried out question for you then mate what would you call a cull ?? an what would you breed from ?? have you ever bred from any of your dogs ?? well to me a cull is a dog that quite simply cannot or wont do its job for instance if i bred a litter of fox dogs pre-ban say half cross bull/grey or wheaten/grey kept a pup reared it and entered it as i saw fit and the dog refused to tackle a fox point blank then that to me is a cull i wouldnt see the point in keeping it, i bred it for a purpose and for what i wanted and it cant fulfil that task,i wouldnt dream of re-homeing it or passing the buck so to speak,and what would i breed from well to me i would breed the best i had to the best i had or the best i could find to line something that in my opinion did the job i wanted it to and in my eyes to a good standard,and yes i have bred a litter or 2 of lurchers in the past but not many times and i havent for a while the lurchers i have here are to young for breeding and not proved they are worthy of breeding from yet and to be honest the oldest bitch i have here is in my opinion average at best but shes still young and only a second season bitch so only time will tell on that ok preban lets say you had this dog how many foxs would it have to kill ?? an what if it werent quite fast enough or nimble enough yet it was as game as they come it could slaughter but couldnt catch an really was only any good for drawing what then would you breed it ?? how many foxs that it simply couldnt catch would the dog have to kill before its proved itself ?? i wouldnt set a number you cant set numbers i dont think ,some seasons are better than others you know yourself when the dogs done enough, if a dog does everything you put infront of it and your happy with it i dont see the problem with breeding from it its your own personel preference i think,and if i bred or bought a lurcher with the purpose of catching foxes on the lamp and it couldnt catch its not really much use on the lamp is it ,but i get what your saying if ye had the room for it and the graft with terriers why not it might be useful for breeding in the future to lighter animals to get what ye want,i know if the dog was hard and did the job tugging from a hole i wouldnt cull it, i know if i had a lurcher that was doing the job on the lamp and was useful round a hole and i had no need for a 1 job wonder it would go to somebody i knew and trusted so i had access to it if needed Quote Link to post
old timer123 367 Posted September 11, 2011 Report Share Posted September 11, 2011 How many of the folks on here that wont cull have bred from there dogs that they know have jacked ran half hearted and failed ? and did ye sell the pups ? how many of ye were completly honest with the folks that bought the pups ill have a guess that all of ye were do any of ye not belive that just maybe the reason theres so much shite out there is because folks breed of dogs that were average and below average but because the dogs were much loved family companions as well as workers there faults were overlooked and because ye wanted a pup outta dear old daisy before she died because she was such a sweet natured animal ye decided to take a litter keep a pup and sell the rest on, and just because ye loved dear old daisy and ye didnt want to hurt her feelings ye told folks that came for a pup she was the best dog ye have ever owned,my feeling is that the reasons above atribute to about 50% of the shite thats out there now the other 50% of the shite just comes from pure peddlars and bullshit artists, my belief is culling is a neccesary part of good stockmanship and should be carried out question for you then mate what would you call a cull ?? an what would you breed from ?? have you ever bred from any of your dogs ?? well to me a cull is a dog that quite simply cannot or wont do its job for instance if i bred a litter of fox dogs pre-ban say half cross bull/grey or wheaten/grey kept a pup reared it and entered it as i saw fit and the dog refused to tackle a fox point blank then that to me is a cull i wouldnt see the point in keeping it, i bred it for a purpose and for what i wanted and it cant fulfil that task,i wouldnt dream of re-homeing it or passing the buck so to speak,and what would i breed from well to me i would breed the best i had to the best i had or the best i could find to line something that in my opinion did the job i wanted it to and in my eyes to a good standard,and yes i have bred a litter or 2 of lurchers in the past but not many times and i havent for a while the lurchers i have here are to young for breeding and not proved they are worthy of breeding from yet and to be honest the oldest bitch i have here is in my opinion average at best but shes still young and only a second season bitch so only time will tell on that ok preban lets say you had this dog how many foxs would it have to kill ?? an what if it werent quite fast enough or nimble enough yet it was as game as they come it could slaughter but couldnt catch an really was only any good for drawing what then would you breed it ?? how many foxs that it simply couldnt catch would the dog have to kill before its proved itself ?? i wouldnt set a number you cant set numbers i dont think ,some seasons are better than others you know yourself when the dogs done enough, if a dog does everything you put infront of it and your happy with it i dont see the problem with breeding from it its your own personel preference i think,and if i bred or bought a lurcher with the purpose of catching foxes on the lamp and it couldnt catch its not really much use on the lamp is it ,but i get what your saying if ye had the room for it and the graft with terriers why not it might be useful for breeding in the future to lighter animals to get what ye want,i know if the dog was hard and did the job tugging from a hole i wouldnt cull it, i know if i had a lurcher that was doing the job on the lamp and was useful round a hole and i had no need for a 1 job wonder it would go to somebody i knew and trusted so i had access to it if needed too right youve made some good valid points there but all dogs have there limits an can be easily pushed beyond them an if you do this to a dog an it jacks then would it be a cull to me it would not because i would know it was my fault like i said some of my dogs are jackers yet have there uses i hold my hands up an say i havent got an all rounder an i need dogs for diffrent jobs i wouldnt breed from a jacker i know a game dog when i see 1 some of the old pit bull men only fought a dog once an if the dog showed true deep gameness kept the said dog for breeding an that was after 1 contest so i suppose if you know youir dogs you know if there game an worth breeding from an yes its hard to put numbers on things every seasons diffrent good post by the way Quote Link to post
Guest joball Posted September 11, 2011 Report Share Posted September 11, 2011 If the dog gives me its all it gets the best life a lurcher could have, if not its time to go its as simple as that nothing macho about culling dogs but like said a bad one eats just as much as a good one ! It realy ia that simple ! Some people are happy with average dogs best of luck to them nothing wrong with that, each to there own. Quote Link to post
simonrocco 175 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 if a dog didnt make the grade that i want then i would rehome it i dont belive in culling a dog theres always someone that would rehome it. atb 1 Quote Link to post
Guest sam Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 to me a dog is for life, Quote Link to post
Guest joball Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 What even a shit one? Sam Simonrocco.. its not always as easy as you say, not many people want to rehome lurchers as pets ! Quote Link to post
Guest born to run1083 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Hedz and dottys post are spot on and of course everyone has different standards, dogs either have natural ability or not how ever much training ain't gonna make them much better, I know I could have the best coach in the world but i'l never play professional rugby union as I just don't have that ability inside me, I think with dogs breeding is important to improve the chances of a better dog so why do people be so slack when breeding muts, simple £££££££££ Quote Link to post
hedz31 1,308 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 to me a dog is for life, ye big fibber ye get one every year for xmas and its gone by march Quote Link to post
jambay5 191 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 TBH in the 20 or so years i have been into running dogs have seen more failed dog men than dogs! Just my opinion but a lot of dogs passed piller to post no wonder some of them Jack! 1 Quote Link to post
Born Hunter 17,832 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 Honesty is very important, for me its probably the number one strength of a good dog man. It stops shit being bred from and others being led to believe that the pup they have just shelled out for is gonna be some sort of wonder dog. If I was gonna rehome a dog it would only be to someone I knew well and would have to be neutered. But to be honest it would break my heart to see any dog of mine being treated like shit so I would prefer to shoot the dog and then they wont be bred from or treated like shit or left to get fat and go stale because they are denied some sort of a hunting life. When Im in the situation where Im left feeling sick because the pup Ive just brought on for 2 years has failed to please me in the field I hope I'll do the right thing rather than be a coward. 2 Quote Link to post
artic 595 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 You cant beat a dog that is trained manners, i.e Kennel trained, House trained, pub trained, steady around all sorts of people, stock and dogs, a dog that no matter where you take it it remains quiet. I can take these two scrotes anywhere and they will just find a place to snuggle down on and sleep. Then on the flip slide I have dogs that work to my required standards, catch the odd something or two which makes me happy.... Best of both worlds there eh! Culling a litter no problem, culling a nuisance/dangerous dog no problem, one that does not work or fit in for what ever reason then re-home to the appropriate person/family. 1 Quote Link to post
simonrocco 175 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 What even a shit one? Sam Simonrocco.. its not always as easy as you say, not many people want to rehome lurchers as pets ! yeh i know what you mean it isnt easy to rehome a lurcher iv had a couple that have,nt made the grade and i found it hard to find them new homes but i did in the end i just think that its better to rehome than to cull a dog atb Quote Link to post
francolin 449 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 How many of the folks on here that wont cull have bred from there dogs that they know have jacked ran half hearted and failed ? and did ye sell the pups ? how many of ye were completly honest with the folks that bought the pups ill have a guess that all of ye were do any of ye not belive that just maybe the reason theres so much shite out there is because folks breed of dogs that were average and below average but because the dogs were much loved family companions as well as workers there faults were overlooked and because ye wanted a pup outta dear old daisy before she died because she was such a sweet natured animal ye decided to take a litter keep a pup and sell the rest on, and just because ye loved dear old daisy and ye didnt want to hurt her feelings ye told folks that came for a pup she was the best dog ye have ever owned,my feeling is that the reasons above atribute to about 50% of the shite thats out there now the other 50% of the shite just comes from pure peddlars and bullshit artists, my belief is culling is a neccesary part of good stockmanship and should be carried out question for you then mate what would you call a cull ?? an what would you breed from ?? have you ever bred from any of your dogs ?? well to me a cull is a dog that quite simply cannot or wont do its job for instance if i bred a litter of fox dogs pre-ban say half cross bull/grey or wheaten/grey kept a pup reared it and entered it as i saw fit and the dog refused to tackle a fox point blank then that to me is a cull i wouldnt see the point in keeping it, i bred it for a purpose and for what i wanted and it cant fulfil that task,i wouldnt dream of re-homeing it or passing the buck so to speak,and what would i breed from well to me i would breed the best i had to the best i had or the best i could find to line something that in my opinion did the job i wanted it to and in my eyes to a good standard,and yes i have bred a litter or 2 of lurchers in the past but not many times and i havent for a while the lurchers i have here are to young for breeding and not proved they are worthy of breeding from yet and to be honest the oldest bitch i have here is in my opinion average at best but shes still young and only a second season bitch so only time will tell on that ok preban lets say you had this dog how many foxs would it have to kill ?? an what if it werent quite fast enough or nimble enough yet it was as game as they come it could slaughter but couldnt catch an really was only any good for drawing what then would you breed it ?? how many foxs that it simply couldnt catch would the dog have to kill before its proved itself ?? i wouldnt set a number you cant set numbers i dont think ,some seasons are better than others you know yourself when the dogs done enough, if a dog does everything you put infront of it and your happy with it i dont see the problem with breeding from it its your own personel preference i think,and if i bred or bought a lurcher with the purpose of catching foxes on the lamp and it couldnt catch its not really much use on the lamp is it ,but i get what your saying if ye had the room for it and the graft with terriers why not it might be useful for breeding in the future to lighter animals to get what ye want,i know if the dog was hard and did the job tugging from a hole i wouldnt cull it, i know if i had a lurcher that was doing the job on the lamp and was useful round a hole and i had no need for a 1 job wonder it would go to somebody i knew and trusted so i had access to it if needed too right youve made some good valid points there but all dogs have there limits an can be easily pushed beyond them an if you do this to a dog an it jacks then would it be a cull to me it would not because i would know it was my fault like i said some of my dogs are jackers yet have there uses i hold my hands up an say i havent got an all rounder an i need dogs for diffrent jobs i wouldnt breed from a jacker i know a game dog when i see 1 some of the old pit bull men only fought a dog once an if the dog showed true deep gameness kept the said dog for breeding an that was after 1 contest so i suppose if you know youir dogs you know if there game an worth breeding from an yes its hard to put numbers on things every seasons diffrent good post by the way a lot of dogs could appear true game,but can be misleading if you get my drift,to breed after a few outings would be madness dont you think,knowing your dog a over a long period of time is the best judge of its gameness ,working ability. Quote Link to post
lancer 13 Posted September 12, 2011 Report Share Posted September 12, 2011 having to cull one of your dogs that hasnt turned out to be what you wanted is a bad day,it lets you know you failed,it can be the dogs fault but this should be rare,theres a lot of people into dogs that should be culled rather than there dogs,i would say there are more retards and imature people into lurchers and terriers than any other breed of dog,they listen to the bullshit and fairytales of single dogs catching unbelievable amounts of stuff and rush off to get there bitchs lined or buy pups with no proof of any thing other than hearsay,then you see people with a great lurcher doing everything they want or same with terriers and when they breed of them they breed a load of shite when really all they had to do was get the same again and know exactly what they were getting instead of breeding a litter of shite that will only breed more shite 1 Quote Link to post
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