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saw me first bumble bee of the year on tuesday, dog loves chasing them. had a wasp in the garden today as well. got coot chicks running about on the bottom meadow (tis awfully damp! one field has been almost completely under water for 2 months :icon_eek: ). haven't seen any hornets yet, there's a big nest in one of the buildings, they buzz around all over, but avoid my garden for some reason (thankfully!). got little white pansies coming up all over the place too. no little rabbits here yet, but i did see one running across the road last weekend, a few miles from here. must have been at least a month or so old. or a midget rabbit :laugh:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Haven't seen any bees or wasps yet. But the f*cking blow flies?! B*stards have been appearing in my cottage now for well over the three weeks. Disgusting things! They're slow and lazy and obviously don't know what day it is. But they just keep on appearing.


What I hate is the fact that these are obviously the early risers. God help me when it Really warms up and the main lot emerge! Permethrin at five paces, dawn till dusk!


Oh. Alright then ..... Maybe I'll just have a wash :unsure: :whistle:

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Believe it or not,I saw a bumble bee on xmas morning.I also saw a wasp(queen-over wintering)Thursday.There was a large tree blown over on my new permission,and it was rotten as a meddler,and under some loose bark was a very drowsy queen wasp,obviously she wasn't quite ready for her early awakening.When I can work out how to gain access to my photo's(I've got a new camera,and I can't seem to be able get them on photobucket for some reason)I will put some photo's up.

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