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New permission, get in!!!!!!

Guest bodgerbear

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Guest bodgerbear

Well managed to get myself a new permission tonight. Someone recommended me to a lady that's got a pest problem at her stables. Rang up and spoke to her today and arranged to meet her. Arrived on site in civvies and met her dad, unbeknown to me the stables are just at the back of his house. He took me all round the site and explained the problems. To start with there's loads of rabbits about, rats, pigeons, squirrels, moles and magpies. I explained a few different methods I use (ferreting, fenns, air-rifle) and he said do what ever you want I don't mind anything being used. Was a bit worried as there's two horses in the stables next to the paddock, i really didnt need to. All I have to do is ring half hour before I go and he will bring the horses into the stable for me as long as I let them out before I go.

He was more than happy to sign the permission letter for me as well, so I have been given a free reign on the site. It's 5 min from my house as well and he doesn't mind me turning up at 8-9pm.

Gonna take the prestige kub up tomorrow with the lamp after work and see how I get on. Will take my camera and hopefully let you all know how it goes.

Looks like this is gonna be a good season :)



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Guest bodgerbear

Good afternoon all, well went up with my mate onto my new permission last night with the intentions of having a long evening up there. Arrived at half seven to find the gate open for me and the horses in the stables. Had a quick chat with the land owner and found a couple of spots just on the edge of the paddock to lye up. About 15min after waiting shone the lamp and had a few little jewels shining back at me, nodded to my mate who took the shot and missed (will explain more in a bit). Chambered a round myself and squeezed a shot off and bugs number 1 from the permission was down. Thirty seconds after picking up the rabbit the heavens opened <_< , as in torrental rain type. Spent the next hour or so lying up and popping the lamp on, bugger all was playing. Was considering giving up when the local military firing range opened up with a night excercise :gunsmilie::censored: :censored: . This sealed our fate for the night. But one very happy landowner and even gave him the rabbit which he was really pleased about.

It was too dark for pics when we got there but will definately be taking my camera with me next week.


FAO Me and the Gun. As for the Prestige Kub, the more I shoot this rifle the more I am happy I got her. Had a few teething problems the rubber gaskets on the filing port kept splitting leaving me unable to fill it until I spoke to Prestige. 2 days later 6 new gaskets throught the post FOC.

I too have the side bolt thumbstock in walnut, still prefer this the the rear bolt and side lever. Only one slight critisism is with the cocking handle. If you nudge it up slightly with out noticing and go to fire all the compressed air exits out the chamber with a loud pop (this is what happened to my mate last night). Apart from that this rifle is beautiful to look at with some really nice lines and curves. You do tend to notice the weight after a good mooch but I like the fact it doesnt feel like its gonna snap.

Hope this is of some intrest to you all?

Will be back soon with a better write up hopefully



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Guest bodgerbear





Good evening, please bear with me Im having a right pig of a day getting these blasted photos on here.

Well had a fantastic night got on site around 19:30hrs, no one about so set up shop in the back end of the orchard. After 3/4 hour the rabbits started coming out just as the land owner and daughter turned up with the cars making a racket on the gravel and sending everything running for cover.

Gave it another 15-20 min and reumed my postion. Ended up taking 2 from the top of the paddock and the last one was just by the front of the house as I was about to pack up. Not bad going for a few hours, one very happy land owner and me and the ferrets have tea tonight.



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