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My misses used bob Martin on her cat once and it was having fits for days, frontline is what I use. Also I give my dogs garlic as it repells fleas aswell as other stuff, not sure if it would work the same with the longrats ?

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My misses used bob Martin on her cat once and it was having fits for days, frontline is what I use. Also I give my dogs garlic as it repells fleas aswell as other stuff, not sure if it would work the same with the longrats ?

Some agree garlic does work to deter fleas/ticks, others really don't, there is no real evidence to support garlic works, but maybe it does, who knows! Too much garlic is known to give dogs & cats a condition called Heinz or Haemolytic Anaemia, as Garlic/onions etc contain a toxin called Thiosulphate, which causes the red blood cells to rupture. I'd imagine too much garlic would have the same effect in ferts. If the garlic works for your dog, then great, much better than it getting fleas, just wanted to mention too much can cause a problem. Atb

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'f mac' timestamp='1315829870' post='2237496']

your wasted here ferret 100 you never thought of gettin a job with wikpedia or just moving to the lurcher section for a change am sure you would be made more than welcome :yes:


I think its James Mckay ?. Brittish ferret what ever its like quotes out a book to me :blink:

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