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The only sesible one in there, I'm pleased he won

i can't believe people even watch that drivel to be honest, no morning paper for me

get a grip!

Oh so it was a fix now, a traveller won so it's got to be a fix lol. Like u said John it was because all the non travellers were all idiots and the only sensible one was a traveller!

I think Paddy had an advantage, the rest of them had never heard the word eviction, I swear to god on my childrens lives :tongue2: :tongue2:

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scotshunter f**k off and spoil some one elses thread you prick.he done good for the travelling community,no one said he dragged kids out of a building


i only asked a simple question.which you and others chose not to answer,whats wrong did i hit a nerve.no need to get personal either.just makes you look the prick.

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scotshunter f**k off and spoil some one elses thread you prick.he done good for the travelling community,no one said he dragged kids out of a building


i only asked a simple question.which you and others chose not to answer,whats wrong did i hit a nerve.no need to get personal either.just makes you look the prick.

sausage :boogy:

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ill tell you blan.a youg laddie punched his face in and knocked the man out,and he went to the cops and got the lad charged.i would have thought that to be a big NO NO in the travelling community.certainly is in non travelling communitys.but i guess all is forgiven if you win a reality tv show.be interesting to hear other travellers thoughts other than godfinch,bet they all dont share his glee

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