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stolen bedlington

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Good luck to you, dog thiefs are a blight on us all, the are absolute scum and don't deserve the air they breathe. If they can have so little thought about the distress they are causing dogs and owners alike, then they deserve to be treated likewise. :chair:


If you have the name and details of any dog thiefs then people should post a thread saying so, no personal details, just the area then peoople can PM for details.


If they have been convicted then it might be easier. How to the mods feel on this.


We have a valuable resopurce in the form of this and other forums, we have a nationwide/international network of eyes and ears here. NONE OF US would want this, so we shopuld all work together to bring about the demise of these scum bags.



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Got to say that the response on this site about our beddie Chilli as been fantastic I have had some great replies and pm's they have been informative and I have learnt some great "tricks" ;) it just shows that if we all stand together shoulder to shoulder we can make these :censored: crawl back to where they come from, they would not be missed and our dogs would be alot safer.

A little bit of good news , Countryman's Weekly heard about our plight with Chilli and they ran a story about her theft, as a result of this they then agreed to run a weekly column in conjunction with Doglost, this gave much needed publicity for stolen dogs. One of these dogs Lottie a spaniel was returned home after some people realised that they had unintentionally bought a stolen dog.Lottie was stolen last May , so it just goes to show that there are people out there with a heart, Lottie was overjoyed to go home and her owners , well, you can imagine :D:D:D:clapper::victory:

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Thanks Waz77 I was so chuffed that a Lottie came home it took a lot of guts for those people to come forward with her but God I wish that was us with Chilli, I know that sounds selfish but I'm sure Lottie's owner's understand all to well the despair you feel to loose a "family member" in such cruel circumstances especially when you know the culprits who are responsible :(

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hi Molly , no we don't know where Chilli is , we know who stole her in our village where she was then taken to by another "family member" who then moved her on, we know this is 100%right and we have proof but at this moment I am unable to give any more details than that.Chilli is still missing and we still need to find her, she could be any where :no:

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Well if you need anyone to come and help 'convince' the neighbour it is in his best interest's to tell you where she went, i for one will come to you and give a helping hand, dog theives need to know it will no longer be tolerated, and what the repercussions are for doing it :)

If other bigger more masculine members also agree to help, im sure it would'nt be long before she was home again.


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Guest Lurcherbitch
hi Molly , no we don't know where Chilli is , we know who stole her in our village where she was then taken to by another "family member" who then moved her on, we know this is 100%right and we have proof but at this moment I am unable to give any more details than that.Chilli is still missing and we still need to find her, she could be any where :no:



Now I am confused...If you have proof, then why has this not been resolved??Or am i being thick :blink:

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hi Molly , no we don't know where Chilli is , we know who stole her in our village where she was then taken to by another "family member" who then moved her on, we know this is 100%right and we have proof but at this moment I am unable to give any more details than that.Chilli is still missing and we still need to find her, she could be any where :no:


if you know who stole your dog why dont you get a few blokes together and go get your dog back

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Sorry to be so vague on certain things but it's because it is now in the hands of the police, this is so much bigger than this one theft, when I can give you all the full story I will, in the mean time if you see a blue beddie bitch you know who to call. I know this thread was originally posted on a different topic but I was trying to get to a bigger audience as possible I didn't mean to bore everyone everynight but the despair of having your dog stolen makes you try anything and everything, Chilli can't shout "I wanna go home". :no:

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Guest Lurcherbitch

Hey!!!! you aint bored us. But sometimes it is best to just say you cant tell us the whole story.

I have had my own dog stolen from where i used to live so i really do know how you feel.

Even folks who aint had dogs nicked will be able to imagin what your going through.

As recent events show, this board is full of caring people who will pull out all the stops to help. :victory:

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I know that I can rely on your support everyone via this site has been fantastic and when I can give you the whole story begining to end I will, its a bit of a novel but its a good read!!! Drama , death threats, cross country chases and more dog thefts with a more unsavoury edge, you really would not believe what we have gone through but we are still here fighting for our Chilli, and they must know by now that we are not going to give up, the only way they can "get away " with this, is to return our dog, then there is no case to answer, it will be like rats deserting a sinking ship cos their ship is sinking fast :yes::clapper:

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