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just out of interest, what would you release???

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Rob / wxm -   - Yes Coyotes are like dogs, but so are foxes, i never said my moral argument made any sense.   - Yes i do think we have big enough space, and if not, in this fantasy land, i would j

Hardly fecking sporting catching a bloody guinea pig is it   I'd get pine martins on the go, not for hunting just everywhere where there are grey squirrels to try and get a bit of a balance going

Bulletproof Foxes

Feck all....!!


We've done such a piss poor job of sorting Mink out over the past few years, why release anything else to damage our British wildlife??


Hang on... stopped to think how boring (though right) that answer was and that i'm not going with the true theme of the thred so... Amazonian women! Now that would be a fecking quarry... :toast:

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i think a hyenia, and those big aggresive emu type things the one that was on inside nautres giants just gone

A hyena would make mince meat of ANY dog.



if you look online you might see otherwise.

yeah? can you send me the link to that? I wouldn't mind seeing that.


Just had a look on youtube and there's a national geographic vid where they're measuring bite force....hyena 1000lbs of force, what's a dog? 3 or 400lbs max? Personally I wouldn't want my dog anywhere near something with 1000lb of bite force, one grip round the neck or rib cage with that bite and it's not a big vet bill, it's game over!

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