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wild mushrooms and toadstools

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hi there recently been getting quite interested in edible wild mushrooms if you have any info on whats edible and whats poisoness then let me hear it and see some pics if possible.

Today i found a few boletes but im unsure on what they exactly are if you know or have some idea let me know.


this one was quite large and there was around 30 or more the same size.





these 2 were in a small woodland consisting of mainly oak






this one was found in the same woods but looks slightly different to me any ideas



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well believe it or not i sent the pictures to a guy thats been doing it for 25 years and he couldnt tell me what they are lol maybe ive found a new species. ive been tryinbg mainly to find some penny buns but no joy. unless the ones ive found are penny buns that are alot ligher or something???

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sorry already claimed the new find lol theyve named it boletus firth. its doing my head in now i find loads of these boletes but never know which ones are edible. im waiting on my book to arrive. got the peter jordans edible mushrooms so hopefully it should shed some light on what ones i can eat.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well to me they all look like Ceps its one of the joys of mushrroms they share charictaristics but very in shape and colour hugely even if they are the same species. I have eaten and cooked many different types from the well known such as truffels morels and girolles to the crazy to strage things as brain fungus and lions main fungus. i would deffinately recommend treating your self to a wild mushroom picking course wil be my brother runs a web site called mushroomdiaries.com message him your pics im sure he will have an idea for you, and if you need any recipes drop me a line i can hook you up.

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