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.17 hmr group

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oh well at least i f****d up on a public forum.very similar.no hope he he

understand that but some people like to know exactly were there at.i am told that if you don;t clean the barrel accuracy will suffer and barrel life will shorten.the reason for worrying about groups i

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I use a CZ452, with a heavy weight 16" varmint barrel.


It should easily group on a 2p at 100 yards. I zero mine at 110 yds and it will do less than this. We all shoot poor groups occasionally as well, but the majority should be good. Even in the wind, the .17hmr should group OK, but mean point of impact will change.


A friend of mine has an anschutz .17 hmr, and I think it has a shorter barrel than mine, and doesnt feel as heavy as mine, but he shoots well with it, and uses it on corvids and foxes with excellent results.


I see various people shooting AI sniper rifles and one person will group much better than another with the same rifle, if the accuracy of the rifle is in question, and it needs testing. I dont want to insult your intelligence or teach you to suck eggs, but were you zeroing off a sandbag / bipod etc and applying all the other priciples of good rifle shooting, so that each shot release and follow through was the same?


Anschutz fit good barrels to their rifles, and if I could have afforded it, I am sure that I would have gone for either that, or the Weihrauch.

Another colleage of mine bought the Savage .17hmr with the thumbhole stock, and neither he or I could get anywhere near the group size as that from the CZ, but I genuinly think this must have been a faulty barrel, as we checked everything else, with no improvement. It was a real mystery.




If you are considering another .17hmr, I can highly recommend the CZ.

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i have cz 452 .originally pull on trigger was too hard.rectified by putting in a trgger kit from south yorkshire shootong supplies.very accurate.points to watch out for when zeroing hmr i have found are variable wind and zeroing after just been cleaned have caused poi variation.after cleaning sometimes takes 2-3 rounds to settle back in.atb

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I have a weihrauch HW66:




I think its a great bit of kit, its one of those guns that just feels right when you pick it up and it has a man sized stock, not like some other rimfires which always feel a bit small (but I am six foot six) but it is quite heavy.


I have been very very impressed by the accuracy of it, it certainly shoots better than I do!


I wood also say that I think the quality of it is easily as good, if not better than an anschutz with a beautifull trigger which I think is better than my old .22 Anschutz. I would not swap it for a whole pile of CZ's I know that its pretty expensive for a rimfire but I am a big believer in 'you get what you pay for'


Just my tuppence worth hope it helps!




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I have CZ455 16" varmint same as Tegater but reworked trigger in the new models so no need for the trigger kits. Groups at 110yds 10 rounds in less than 1" and 3 round groups of anywhere between 12mm to 20mm, basically I can get a couple of shots that overlap and 1 shot as an average that lets the group down, this could be just down to me 'pulling a shot and combined with powder loadings in factory ammo. I found a nice firm pull in the shoulder rather than a light grip brings the groups tighter, oh and only ever off a bipod, havent got bags to shoot off as I dont do much target stuff, only enough to keep an eye on the zero.


My 223 groups about the same to be honest with factory ammo. You have new 17 fireball? should get nice and tight with a bit of load working? I know nothing about reloading however as just dont have the time to do it, so factorey ammo only. As for your Anschutz I would have thought that 2p sized groups would be a good start.


Oh and 50 rounds through my CZ will see the groups start to open up, but a few passes through with a boresnake has things nice and tight again and always a full clean once home.

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cheers guys my .204 groups .26" easy on a 5p so i don't think it was me.it never missed to be fair but it was just when i started paper punching to compare to the .204 it seemed disapointing.i thought i was asking to much of factory rimfire ammo.i had one years ago that shot on a penny the one i sold recently shot 1" at best probably 1.5" and in a five shot group with small bullet holes that looks poor.in my head that would say if you try to shoot at 150 yds i was relying on luck wich is not cool when hunting live quarry.if you look on gooogle video guys out there are not doing much better.that is the only reason i changed so i could home load.thanks again for sharing your views.

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  On 08/09/2011 at 13:22, bewsher500 said:
  On 07/09/2011 at 17:38, zx10mike said:

hi chaps what .17hmr do you shoot and how does it group at 100 yrd in " got rid of an anschutz as it failed to group on a 2p but perhaps thats normal thanks for your time.


what ammo?

17 or 20gn?


sako quad, roughly an 1" at 130yds



wharever works if you prefer 20s how do they group compared to 17s " @ 130 is better than i was getting.thanks for the reply

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This is about the best I have done at 100 yards, but I would certainly expect within 1" anytime!



Yeh, it's 4 shots, I seem to remember I bottled out of the 5th when I saw the group! :laugh::thumbs:


Edited by Deker
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usually 1" or less at 100yd using / cz 452 16" varmint (with trigger kit fitted).

sorry i haven't put something to scale it with but the target rings on the left of one target are 1" and the other target is not far off the outside diameter of the pins i used to hold the paper,if you get me ,pipcock



Edited by pipcock
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yeah it were a bit markha,its a good stretch we use for checking our cf gear as well up to 250 mtr but the only place we can set up can get a bit breezy.on the bottom target first shot was out of circle ,adjusted scope ,2nd shot just high from centre,then shot the other 3 off for my group, the top target was a 5 shot group test, haven't had any of my rifles long so still learning really,pipcock

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