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just after a bit of help really got a springer pup 3 weeks ago and from day one its had diarhhea. I have been feeding him wainwrights puppy food 4 times aday just small amounts wet food then dry wet then dry. He also seems to be straining alot and twice there has been a small amount of blood just a speckle relly runny.The vet said its nothing to worry about so was just wondering if anyone has any advice best food etc cheers geoff

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It’s difficult as there are a number of possible causes and the cure for one will make another worse. Is it straining because its constipated or because its loose? Was the pup on the same food with the breeder?

You could try a little cooked chicken and rice for a couple of days then gradually re introduce the puppy food. Sometimes a stomach bug can takes weeks to properly resolve so careful monitoring and straight back to the vet if its not improving.


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not sure why he straining because it is very runny when it comes out, and no i,m not feeding it the same as the breeder because when i bought him he gave me a tin of adult dog meat .there has been no trace of blood today and i,ve been putting some water in with the dry food so dont no if that has anything to do with it.

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i got a 12 week old spanner

started off on beta puppy meal form the breeder

tried it on minced lamb chub and beta it got the runs

now on butchers scraps and doing fine took it round breeder as hes only half mile away he was impressed and the shits solid and easy to dispose of.

Edited by forest of dean redneck
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  On 08/09/2011 at 17:19, geoff75 said:
not sure why he straining because it is very runny when it comes out, and no i,m not feeding it the same as the breeder because when i bought him he gave me a tin of adult dog meat .there has been no trace of blood today and i,ve been putting some water in with the dry food so dont no if that has anything to do with it.


I'd feed small meals and monitor, changing feeds at this point may just muddy the water.

Very loose stools can causes straining, no blood is a good sign. Decent puppy completes are nutritionally pretty good but as before if not settling back to vets.

Hope it settles

Regards Sandy.

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Hi chap i had a litter of springers and was feeding them wainwrights that too gave them the shits, they were wormed 3 weeks 5 weeks and 8 so not worms i then tryed skinners puppy food and that sorted it, wainwrights claim that its easy on the dogs guts well thats crap, and at 33 notes a sack i was well upset i always change feed over 4 days so not to upset them. atb phil

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