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bit of a fright last night

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went for a shine last night all was good' dark and a good strong breeze took my bitch shes 19 months and cathing well. anyway went to a local farm where theres plenty of rabbits she had a few runs and c aught 2. i carried on walking seen another rabbit let her go' she turned it a couple of times and dissapeared round a gorse cover' i lost sight of her for only 30 seconds at the most then she came back without he rabbit but something wasnt right! she came back an just stood and wouldnt move her eyes wernt moving and she wouldnt walk' so i picked her up and walked her 100 yards or so the whole time she was twitching so i put her down to see if she would walk' strait awy she collapsed and started shaking! so i picked her up and rushed her to the van and home. once i was home i lay her in the kitchen and her jaw was clenched tightly closed and she was just shaking like mad still and her eyes wudnt responed to my hand movments infront of them. its never happened before and it was a real shock but today she seems ok but not herself what happened i dont know has this ever happened to anyone else? cheers.

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In my opinion i'd say the bitch has had too much running? I know you say she'd only caught a couple and ran a few but if the bitch isn't and wasn't ready for quick succession running ie:not fit enough then this seems to of been the problem imo? I've seen it happen many times,it's caused by a lack of oxygen getting to the dogs brain,i've seen dogs go blind and become basically "cabbages" by this and even worse die..the symptoms you describe pretty much are exactly what happens when a dog suffers a Hypoxia...hope the bitch makes a full recovery .ATB Andy

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Something similar happened to my dog last year but it was when we got back home and he was aware of what was going on, moving his eyes n looking at me, he seemed to settle so put him in his bed. Early hours of that morning he woke me up doing it again but worse so took him to vets. They think he had a been fitting caused by a brain tumour and had to be pts. But guess your dogs behaving different to what mine was

hope he recovers mate atb

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seen this happen few times its normaly just done to much to qiuck. dog be ok . dog done it on us one night it is a bit of a shock when it happens to you , get your self some electrolyte. made by gold lable its replacement salts, trace minerals , and glucose , for competition animals ie mainly for horse racing , all we do is mix a bit in a container of water and when given dogs a break they drink this , works wonders,

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i had a bitch done the same thing a couple of times she even went blind for a couple of days even though she got the same work out as the other dogs she could not handle the same amount of work as them so i worked more on her fitness and when i had her out i would give her the odd biscuit in between runs to try and keep her blood sugar up and if i knew she was going lamping that evening i would feed her that afternone ,she never done it again but i was always causess when i had her out and made sure she had a good break between runs,hope she recovers well for ye and try and get some fluids into her

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