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Guest gaspode

thank u borderterrier at last somebody see's sense

these so called animal lovers have no idea, if it wasn't for the people -us - who breed ferrets dogs etc... every yearand continually strive to maintain the best quality of animals we can ( which means we look after them to the highest standards as well -correct ? - and feed them only the best of food )through selective breeding which of course involves in\linebreeding any genetic abnormality is immediatly culled as is the case with any improvement plan, these idiots wouldn't have the fluffy "pets" they love so much .

i keep a variety of animals birds etc...and apply in\linebreeding to all if a chicken is hatched with an abnormality it it culled and the parent birds also likewise my rabbits,fish parrakeets etc i will not pass on an animal with a known genetic disfunction it can only weaken others if it gets into general population

these people really piss me off with their ignorance :realmad: :realmad:


jusy to add i have kep and bred various animals for the last 30yrs as had my father before me and i would still nhave my own original line of ferrets if they had notbeen stolen 3 yrs ago i dont cull healthy stock and always try to find homes for every surplus animal!!! :good:

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Well I wouldnt bother discussing ferrets with that lot of conceited idiots.They seem to just twist words to suit there own agenda.You would of thought if they were so keen on ferrets they would of done some research into line/inbreeding and its effects, either desirable or undesirable.As for culling if its so undesirable why does mother nature severely cull?Her methods are a lot more inhumane than ours ie starvation and disease.Nature culls for one reason only the fittest and best survive we are only speeding the process up a bit.


Keeps,you dont have to answer to anybody your animals look happy and in tip top condition.

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Guest baldie

Great pics on there keeps, hadnt really got an answer for you had they? :good: The pricks wont admit it, but they dont inbreed/linebreed, because they dont work their animals, they outcross to get different colours to put in a showring. As a friend said the other day, i,ve kept ferrets all my life, and its getting harder and harder to find a good working outcross, all these show breeding pricks are ruining the working ferret.

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Having read the posts on "FF" yesterday and today IMO that its exactly these sort of people who, over the years, have ruined so many excellent breeds of terriers.

I know next to nothing about ferrets, but it looks like its their turn to go down the road to ruin.

Less and less work, more and more show.

Keeps, hope you've had the darning needle out last night and fixed those jeans. :11:

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