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Angry Farmers?

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  On 07/09/2011 at 19:42, shushycatcher said:

if your on land where you are not meant to be and the farmer/landowner whoever comes tearing after you,the worst thing to do is run :whistling: You look guilty! :whistling: Just wait for them to arrive and when asked "what the fcuk u up to?" :nono: Tell them,lamping a few rabbits. :angel: 9 times out of ten they just say move on,you will always get one cranky fecker and a heated exchange, :censored: but not often,and if you do,ignore the fella and shoot all the windows out the farmhouse with a catty on the way home! :shok: Happy hunting,shushy ;)


Why go shooting windows out with a catty? Thats definitely not going to get you any permission. With the amount of farmers renting land these days you will probably get the wrong house anayway.

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I don't get this about back garden, shooting people usually bang on about it. Are you telling me that farmers bought the land like I bought my back garden? Land was taken off the commoner and split i

40 heifers let out on to the main road.... Resulting in 2 that had to be shot.... Pigeon shooters coming on and flattening the wheat so they can put there decoys on... Sheep fence bent down because th

If some prick shoots your dog for no good reason then f*****g man up and sort him out rather than sneaking round like a coward burning straw and smashing stuff

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  On 07/09/2011 at 10:45, bird said:

i suppose the bottom line is if you are some where you (shouldnt) be, you take the risk of getting pulled by the police , or getting heavy handed farmer + keeper, that could end up the dog hurt or killed, its name of the game. You carnt really say alot , because you are trespassing and law would back the farmer +keeper. The best way to get back at these kind of people, is hit them in the pocket, you can only be a good farmer +keeper if your product (is there in the 1st place) its strange how things get lost at night . ;)


What do you mean by that? Steal or wantonly destroy someone's means of making an honest living? What does that make you?

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  On 07/09/2011 at 18:12, mattyg said:

i occasionally stray the wrong side of the fence so to speak, but i look at it a different way.......if someone was walking round my back garden doing things they shouldnt then i would be pretty pissed off, faced with a gobby little chav i wouldnt hesitate to shoot his dog, id think twice if they just buggered off with a "sorry". we all know when things can get a bit ropey.....you pays your money, you takes your chances!

ive been threatened, but no farmer is gonna shoot a dog on a lead walking away......just walk off and say sorry and hope you still have 4 fully inflated tyres when you get to the motor!



Muppet its not the dogs fault , man the fk up and sort it without the gun people who shoot peoples dogs are cowards , if they messing with the cattle then fair enough but ffs get a grip :blink:

Edited by SLiP tHe DoG !
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  On 07/09/2011 at 20:24, Rake aboot said:

One thing I cant believe is that a farmer was paralysed and brain damaged and folk think that is fair retribution for shooting a dog,



Some seriously damaged folk on this site like !!!

yup me thinks thats a bit of internet bullshit,if its true a word should never be spoke about it,end of the day if your best lurcher get shot its no one fault but the owner.i dont agree with it but i understand farmers getting pissed off.it takes time to gain a farmers trust they must rank in the top ten for being the most difficult to make friends with,but a bit of time and helping them out they do come round.its the c..ts that smash gates off a tear about the crops,letting out livestock,they even nicked the brass ball cocks arms off the cow troughs here,flooding the fields,

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A farmer who shoots your dog needs to be prepared to suffer the consequences no matter how bad whether your on his land or not killing someones dog for no other reason than being there is overstepping the mark , if his livestock is under threat then so be it


to many arseholes ruining farmers land , fences , leaving quarry which i understand it must be torture but yoiu cant just come out full steam with a fking gun and shoot someones dog


unless your ready for the consequences imo :thumbs:

Edited by SLiP tHe DoG !
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every farmer says the find it hard to make a living and they finding it hard to make a living without the hassle of being out alnight chacing poachers ive yet to see a farmer who hasnt got trators 4x4s and big flash family motor so they aint got life that bad they moan about crop damage by pests tb of badgers and if you go on and kill the bunnies they say were his livelihood and are left for his shooters who pay to go on who is kidding who here they just greedy twats who cant see anyone get out for nowt of their land if nobody paid to have shoots on their land and they had to pay to rid them selves of vermin they would be on here asking for help i went looking for permission last year and was asked how much i charged i said mate i do it as a hobby i got the permmision and was told later he used to pay a firm to remove the bunnies of is fields i lost the permmision to a group of lads who payed the greedy twat to shoot on his farm this year

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  On 07/09/2011 at 09:16, IanB said:
  On 07/09/2011 at 09:11, Ryan_b_09 said:



You sound a clever one, just the type we need in fieldsports..




Just sayin if a farmer is gunna shoot your dog for running some rabbits doing no1 no harm then he needs to get a grip i can understand if there is livestock in the fields or there is a shoot on there then fair play to him

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  On 07/09/2011 at 22:21, craigyboy said:
  On 07/09/2011 at 19:42, weasle said:

How do all these people know what land your hunting?You are either talking to much or leaving signs you were there.

sometimes the 1 million cp lamp is a bit of a giveaway :whistling:

Is it one of those like bat mans with the lads name and address in it? :hmm:

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Farmers definately shoot dogs, seen a farmer Mr C at Pigdon Northumberland shoot a dog with a 243, the dog ran around the field for ages with its bottom jaw hanging off, before another shot finished it off, a gamekeeper also from Northumberland Cristen Bank near Seahouses Mr DB shot double figures of dogs, and a lad Mr A in Bedlington Northumberland got shot in the leg with a .22 rim fire while out on the land with his dog, and the farmer got off with it..in this country the more money you have the more justice you get, and farmers usually have a lot more in their bank accounts than Mr Lurcherlad..taking a farmer to court and being successful because he has shot your dog is an impossibility

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  On 07/09/2011 at 23:59, Romany said:

Farmers definately shoot dogs, seen a farmer Mr C at Pigdon Northumberland shoot a dog with a 243, the dog ran around the field for ages with its bottom jaw hanging off, before another shot finished it off, a gamekeeper also from Northumberland Cristen Bank near Seahouses Mr DB shot double figures of dogs, and a lad Mr A in Bedlington Northumberland got shot in the leg with a .22 rim fire while out on the land with his dog, and the farmer got off with it..in this country the more money you have the more justice you get, and farmers usually have a lot more in their bank accounts than Mr Lurcherlad..taking a farmer to court and being successful because he has shot your dog is an impossibility


should of went back and killed that fker , stuck up pricks killing lads dogs id make there lives hell

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