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A fine line...........????

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I was talking to a lad I work with today & we came across the following topic..................I like to dig to terriers & run a lurcher while he is a keen fly fisherman & shooter & we both love the countryside ........ We were talking about anti's & animal lovers & how when you think about it , In certain situations we are'nt that different..............I'm not talking about the dreadlocked city terds but the animal photographers & photographers be they amateur or pro's who spend as much time as US in the countryside doing what they love...........As I said I love to dig to my terriers but an hr later I'd happily go for a walk to watch fox cubs playing around an earth............Its this side of a hunters nature that I wish we could get through to some of those who are against us........I can safely say that I have seen things while out hunting that would amaze & delight some of these people but thanks to the odd cruel twat & the media I think we'll always be "murderous" sods in most nature lovers eyes............... :(

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their is a bloke which i see down my local most weekend's, he use to think i was a murdering ba##ard untill one day when the pub just opened it was only me and him in their, i explained to him i dont just go out and murder every animal in sight i will quite often sit down on a hill side , by a river or in a wood watching all the animals/birds old or young go about their daily routeen. Gun laid on the grass , roll myself a smoke and sit their in the sun , all your troubles of the day just fade away...............


he is still abit anti but at least he dont confront me about it any more.

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Few years back i took a bloke from work who was having women problems ( don't we all ) out beating. He lived in Hull ( not his fault some one has to ) and loved the countryside but had never had anything to do with field sports.


In the afternoon someone came across an Eagle owl, sat minding its own business under a bush, obviously not very well. Well everyone sprang to life and soon had the thing at the Vets where it made a full recovery and was later released to some one who knows about these things. ( just like to add as it was a wild animal the good old RSPCA paid the vets bill :D )


Matey couldn't believe the kindness shown by everyone and told everyone he knew about how these blokes had walked mile's in search of Partridge and Pheasant to watch them die and then pull out all the stops to save an Eagle Owl.


Don't know what would have happened if it was a Spar though :whistle:

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