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Calling Dogs Off Quarry?

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This thread is intended to carry on where the break stick thread ended. How many of you can honestly call your dogs off quarry while either still running it or on the actual kill?

There,s no way on earth i can call mine off when running intended quarry and im ashamed to say neither can i when its caught(rabbits yes). Of course im talking before the ban here so before anybody jumps on the band wagon and says you shouldnt be running big quarry i thought i,d just cover my arse lol. And yes..i did used to use a break stick lol...atb stabba

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iv owned an worked both kinds of dog....   an heres what i have found, dont start huffing an puffing an blowin yer chests up, its only my opinion haha   i have had dogs an seen other dogs which we

gesa a paw 3 turns ha ha, see where the name came fay anymore than 3 turns they canny hear you shout watch yar feet ya f u c king numbty

Very strange, all the filth mongers lurking in the background, us filth mongers contributing to the "iffy" content of the thread, and not one slagging off fuckwit has reared it's ( note I sait "it's"

Nope cant stop mine in full flight, But ya as soon as they hit there quarry and i get there they can be told (shouted at to leave ) there quarry to me to deal with or finish of for minamal meat damage, An thats the truth,


Seen one dog that could be whistled off an hare/deer ect pre ban donkey years ago really but he pulled up when things got tough and he couldnt boss his hare or hed couldnt pull his deer with in a few hundered yrds

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Nope cant stop mine in full flight, But ya as soon as they hit there quarry and i get there they can be told (shouted at to leave ) there quarry to me to deal with or finish of for minamal meat damage, An thats the truth,


Seen one dog that could be whistled off an hare/deer ect pre ban donkey years ago really but he pulled up when things got tough and he couldnt boss his hare or hed couldnt pull his deer with in a few hundered yrds


just out of curiosity, what was the cross of the above dog

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iv owned an worked both kinds of dog....


an heres what i have found, dont start huffing an puffing an blowin yer chests up, its only my opinion haha


i have had dogs an seen other dogs which wernae owned by me, which could be stopped mid course with either a whistle or a shout.. same dogs would leave on command an generally do what ye told them, nice biddable dogs, the kind ye can trust to go anywhere with you lol

what i also found tho, is these very same dogs, were the dogs which were liable to drop summat, cos it got sharp, or would pull up when approaching a hedge or ditch on the lamp.....


i have also owned an seen a few dogs that go deaf on the mere sniff or sight of its quarry, refuse to leave, until it thinks it should an althought these dogs may be a bit more of a pain in the arse to live with, i do beleive that they put more game in the bag at the end of the day/night..


thats just the way i see it, lets know what others think, an yes i have done an will use a break stick again if the need arises, like a few things in my kit, id rather have it a not need it, than not have it an need it haha



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never had to use a break stick have traine a dog or two to come of it i wistled or shouted alot of work , both killed anything that got up could stop them coming back with bunnies lie down to the wistle ,its ahard thing to train adog alot of commands you have to have the [bANNED TEXT] make up and be keen t train them ,ive spent more time chaseing game than stopping them ,could be handy at times ,when working two bolting rabbs keep one dog in close other further out i trained one vioce one shout , but once they learnt were rabbits were bolting hardl spoke and they never crabbed each others rabbs ,i want a dog to be commited so stopping them if there not got the [bANNED TEXT] make up well could sour them

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Interesting.........Why would any of you guys spend time and effort on training your dog to stop chasing, whats the benefit?. I understand after the catch and you get there but during the course what is the reason? Just wondering if some of the guys who say they have "trained" dogs to stop mid course have really just got dogs that were giving up but "training to stop" sounds better?..... :whistling:

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I've never been able to call a dog off quarry Stabba, nor would I want to..!

As much as I like a well mannered dog, I do belive in 'basic' commands in the field and put my trust in natural ability, I really wouldn't want to own a robot. It's my responsibility on the quarry i've slipped my dog on and I don't expect it to be called off, rather like a terrierman, when that dog goes under he expects it to stay untill dug too, but he chooses the hole!

Now with that said, out walking, my dogs chanced upon a young (but full sized) Heron last year, they went to grab it but though I figured they were wondering what the hell it was, as the didn't go in as usual, I shouted for them to leave it and they really did...! That young Heron didn't and grabbed my big dog round the muzzel. I was still shouting for him to 'leave' and he did and came running back with a dumb look as the bird still had tight hold. As I went to grab it it let go, at that point I really did think he was going to finish the job but one more leave sent him backwards and the youngster went unharmed, to be honest I was quite proud but I only think this happend because of what the critter was, i.e. NOT quarry...

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no never owned a running that could be called of during a chase,and tbh i havent tried or wanted to.yes i can call my dogs of quarry.it would piss me off big time a dog that didnt.oh and the command to get them of quarry is more stern and normally takes around 3 to get its attention.my pet hate is dogs who choose to ignore thier owners.no joy in owning a dog that everytime you want him of,its a battle of wits.not so much these days,but on some ground when you need to dissapear sharpish.you most defo need an animal who listens to its owner.

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