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deerhound stud

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  On 02/10/2011 at 15:07, the gafer said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 13:26, rocky1 said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 13:18, the gafer said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 12:44, rocky1 said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 12:41, the gafer said:
  On 04/09/2011 at 14:45, galguero said:

hello , I'm new here on this forum ,I live across the northsea and I own a' galgo' i.e. a spanish greyhound . She is a good dog doing the things she is bred for . She is 6,5 years old and I'm thinking of breeding her with a deerhound .But the trick is to find a deerhound sire , all the deerhound people around don't want their dog being mixed with an other breed. Would anyone know someone in belgium,holland or germany with a deerhound male for stud?

hi mate dave platts of liester england has pure working dh excuse my spelling not very good at it

but does dave work he pure deerhounds the vertict still out ,on he even works he,s deerhound x nevermind he pures

sin plenty of picks of him working his dogs mate when i went to get mine and they whernt all old pick quite a few new picks ther


[bANNED TEXT] i got mine he only had 4 and 2 pures so its not that many i have 4 and work all of them

he most got a rid of a few or breeds the arse end of he dogs ,cos when i used 2 get the countrymam weekly their was allway liiters in from dave himself

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  On 02/10/2011 at 15:19, rocky1 said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 15:07, the gafer said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 13:26, rocky1 said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 13:18, the gafer said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 12:44, rocky1 said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 12:41, the gafer said:
  On 04/09/2011 at 14:45, galguero said:

hello , I'm new here on this forum ,I live across the northsea and I own a' galgo' i.e. a spanish greyhound . She is a good dog doing the things she is bred for . She is 6,5 years old and I'm thinking of breeding her with a deerhound .But the trick is to find a deerhound sire , all the deerhound people around don't want their dog being mixed with an other breed. Would anyone know someone in belgium,holland or germany with a deerhound male for stud?

hi mate dave platts of liester england has pure working dh excuse my spelling not very good at it

but does dave work he pure deerhounds the vertict still out ,on he even works he,s deerhound x nevermind he pures

sin plenty of picks of him working his dogs mate when i went to get mine and they whernt all old pick quite a few new picks ther


[bANNED TEXT] i got mine he only had 4 and 2 pures so its not that many i have 4 and work all of them

he most got a rid of a few or breeds the arse end of he dogs ,cos when i used 2 get the countrymam weekly their was allway liiters in from dave himself

dont no about that mate

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what ever you decide to put across her pal good luck and be wise on your decision ,if you do decide to use a deerhound from these isles it wont make one i oughta cookland or platts .Yall get just the same from either .atb bunnys.

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  On 02/10/2011 at 12:44, rocky1 said:
  On 02/10/2011 at 12:41, the gafer said:
  On 04/09/2011 at 14:45, galguero said:

hello , I'm new here on this forum ,I live across the northsea and I own a' galgo' i.e. a spanish greyhound . She is a good dog doing the things she is bred for . She is 6,5 years old and I'm thinking of breeding her with a deerhound .But the trick is to find a deerhound sire , all the deerhound people around don't want their dog being mixed with an other breed. Would anyone know someone in belgium,holland or germany with a deerhound male for stud?

hi mate dave platts of liester england has pure working dh excuse my spelling not very good at it

but does dave work he pure deerhounds the vertict still out ,on he even works he,s deerhound x nevermind he pures

I have doxhope/cooklands and there shaping up well,

I say it as I see It and I saw a platts bitch run the other week and that could run! from what I saw good running style and game with it.

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sounds good not saw agood deerhound cross for years thats all we used in early eighties with a bit colie cros through them as dogs were sometimes to big for hares ,up to date not saw agood deerhound taking strong winter hares saw plenty galgos catching jack rabbits ,i like the scottish deerhond cross just geting the [bANNED TEXT] type to breed to your galgo

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Merci. De reu is een superhond, goede loper en waaks en een zeer fijne huisgenoot.


Ik heb een paar jaar terug in west NL, regio Den Haag, een kruising grey-deerhound gezien, een reu, uit de UK maar of die nog leeft of hoe zijn meesters heten, geen idee.


Er zijn een paar kruisingen grey-barsoi in NL uit een of ander "oeps" nest maar die honden zijn ook al een dagje ouder. Het best zijn die op te sporen via het Nederlandse windhondenforum denk ik. Maar er is een grote kans dat ze gecastreerd zijn of dood of dat hun meesters niet meewerken aan een dekking.


Succes met zoeken, als je mijn reu eens nodig hebt stuur maar een bericht.



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  On 03/10/2011 at 06:28, whin said:

sounds good not saw agood deerhound cross for years thats all we used in early eighties with a bit colie cros through them as dogs were sometimes to big for hares ,up to date not saw agood deerhound taking strong winter hares saw plenty galgos catching jack rabbits ,i like the scottish deerhond cross just geting the [bANNED TEXT] type to breed to your galgo

i have both types a half x dh x gh and a dh x gh x collie x gh the last one is only young butt shaping up to be a good dog the first one is a very good dog does what i wont him to do

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