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Committed the unforgivable sin

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Ha Ha nice alan. I don't really know. It is out of hunting stuff. A group of friends has had them for thirty years and they were an established line they got off another guy before that. They're on the hard side. I've had some buddies who have had em and said they loved em. So I'm trying one. The pup is very manageable compared to my jagd/fell crosses.

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Those are different strains of the same type (terrier)- the reason they look different from one another is historically they were geographically isolated. Showing would be the only reason to keep a "breed" pure. "Breeds" were developed in the victorian era for dog shows. "Types" were developed by breeding the dogs best suited to their work to one another to get more workers

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i understand what the mans saying bred the best to the best regardles of the name on there head, If more thought like you mate there wouldnt be half the shit that need culling in this dayy in age, be it terrier,, strong dog ,lurcher anything, respect mate

Edited by Poacher Paul
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